- Manifesto
- SOLID Principles: Single Responsibility & Extensions
- Boundaries: Clear Bounded Contexts
- Asynchronous Client-side Integrations
- ADRs: Decision Records
- APIs
- Client usability: discoverable and self-serve
- Docs: Swagger sustainable and better integrated
- Limits: Pagination, Rate Limiting
- Compliance with MFE-related OEPs
- OEP-48 Brand Customization (pending)
- OEP-23 Style Customization (outdated)
- OEP-11 MFE Tech standards (outdated)
- Code Linting
- Code Coverage
- OEP-16 Bootstrap (outdated)
- OEP-19 Developer Docs
- OEP-47 Semantic Versioning
- OEP-31 Internationalization (pending)
UX and Accessibility
- Accessibility checklist
- Components adhere to design system best practices
- a11y (Today, this is done manually)
- Performance (compare new and old using Speedcurve)
- Multi-device support (tested using Browserstack)
- Unit tests (see OEP-11 for tech choice)
- [Optional] Acceptance tests (Cypress is being assessed as a technology)
- [Optional] Consumer-based contract tests (looking for a pilot drive of this pattern)