grants badges to participants
updates Sign up list with status changes and reviewer names
posts and removes banner in Discourse (from Feb 8 through Feb 15, and then from March 8 through March 15.)
The following people have volunteered to help:
Answering questions in Slack - Raul Galegos
Review of PRs - Sofiane Bebert, ?
Merge - Felipe Montoya, Braden McDonald, Peter Pinch
Review of PRs - Sofiane Bebert and all of the above (use Github handle #doc-a-thon-reviewers)
We grant a Doc-A-Thon badge to:
Any contributor, who opens a TSD PR and it gets merged
Any PR reviewer
The 2 top-most contributors and the 2 top-most reviewers get additional prizes (Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) need to think what it will be).
Each contributing organization (with a reasonable quantity of contribution) is recognized at this year’s conference. (Need to set a reminder).