Should the services run in the system Python installation, a venv, a virtualenv, or a pyenv environment? Each option has its pros and cons, and we currently use all of the above in different Dockerfiles.
Many services use a few Python packages that require a native compilation toolchain to build C extensions. Can we use a builder pattern to produce wheels for these so all this compilation code doesn’t have to be included in the base images? We might want to add the toolchain to dev images anyway to simplify upgrades during development, but only for services that actually have dependencies that use C extensions and don’t have suitable Linux binary wheels on PyPI. (Adding these wheels could be a good contribution to the upstream packages.)
There are linters that can give advice on improving Dockerfiles, https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint seems to be by far the most actively maintained of these. We should try it and determine if we agree with its advice enough to more broadly recommend using it.