Tutor Users' Group

Tutor Users' Group


It’s become clear that there is an acute need to support new Tutor users and plugin developers. It’s also clear that Tutor maintainers benefit from hearing feedback from people who are using the tool. 

Please join our users’ group for sharing help, tips, and feedback on using Tutor and developing Tutor plugins. Bring your questions, and get ready for some live debugging! Expert or newbie, all are welcome.

Announcements will be posted to Slack in #tutor-maintenance

Recordings and Transcripts

All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings


Agenda and Notes

We meet every other week. Our schedule and video conferencing link is on the Working Group Calendar. The meeting is usually hosted by @Kyle McCormick .

You can add topics below ahead of time, or add them during the meeting.








  • Moises: Dockerfile reference I wanted to use the RUN --mount=type=ssh instruction to install private packages. This command needs an additional flag to the build command that I can add via the DOCKER_BUILD_COMMAND filter. The problem is that the --ssh=default=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK flag gets escaped by shlex. As a workaround is possible to use os.environ.get("SSH_AUTH_SOCK") but some people may not want to print those values to the stdout.

    • what type of packages?

    • Zameel: Installing npm packages from a private github repo

      • cloned with personal access token, installed locally

      • didn’t need to use --mount=type=ssh

    • Dawoud: is it --ssh=default=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK or --ssh default=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK ?

    • Kyle: --ssh=default=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK – what is getting escaped?

    • Max: we are also interested in this answer

      • @Moisés González do you have a POC to try?

      • RG is interested in helping to implement or test the proposal

      • In our non-tutor deployments we extensively used SSH key for private repos cloning

  • Max’s verdaccio plugin: Local NPM registry for MFE builds

    • Issues

      • doesn’t work without host.docker.internal hostname

    • Important insight- timing

      • very good time for low parallelism (max 2) – 12min