Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings

Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings


  • Open edX community meetings will be hosted on Axim infrastructure (Google Meet or Zoom);

  • They will be recorded via native functionality, with transcript recording as well;

  • Recordings and transcripts will be posted to meeting notes pages;

  • AI bots will not be permitted to attend meetings;

  • All meeting attendees agree to follow the Open edX Code of Conduct.


Due to the variation and unpredictability of the technology at this time in conjunction with varying laws and regulations around the world regarding recording and transcription of people’s image and voice, we are prohibiting the use of AI bots in Open edX working groups and any other types of community-wide, public meetings.

That said, recordings and transcripts are vital for the flow of information across our community. To help make sure this is done in an effective and compliant way, Axim will provide links for Google Meet and Zoom (which should provide meeting-specific reminders about recordings before people join), and recordings and transcripts will be produced via the native functionality provided by Google Meet and Zoom. Meeting owners will be responsible for making recordings and transcripts public. Moving forward, all community working groups and any ad-hoc public meetings will have their meeting link provided by the Axim team; we are currently investigating the best way of doing this, and will be in touch with affected working groups soon.

Community members are asked to remove their AI bots from all public Open edX meetings. Additionally, meeting owners are responsible for denying access, or removing, AI bots from their meetings.


Finally, all attendees of Open edX community meetings agree to follow the Open edX Code of Conduct.

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