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Notes on Building Microservices, Designing Fine-grained Systems by Sam Newman

Ch 3. Bounded Contexts

  • Seams with Loose coupling and High cohesion
  • Beware of premature decomposition before domains and usages are solidified.

Ch 4. Integration

  • Avoid database integration at all cost
  • DRY and code-reuse can couple microservices
  • Sync vs Async
    • request/response vs event-based vs reactive (observe for results)
    • request/response can be sync or async - async by registering a callback
      • "orchestration" pattern leads to centralized authorities with anemic CRUD-based services
      • these systems are more brittle with a higher cost of change
      • technology choices
        • RPC
          • easy to use
          • watch out for: technology coupling, incorrectly treating remote calls as local calls, lock-step releases
        • REST over HTTP
          • more resilient to changes than RPC - sensible default choice
          • not suited for low latency and small message size (consider WebSockets) 
    • event-based - better decoupling; intelligence is distributed
      • "choreographed" pattern leads to implicit view of the business process (since no centralized workflow)
      • additional work to monitor/track - can create a monitoring system that matches the view of the business process - validates flowchart expectations
      • these systems are more loosely coupled, flexible, and amenable to change
      • technology choices
        • RabbitMQ
        • HTTP + ATOM
      • managing complexities
        • maximum retry limits
        • dead letter queue (for failed messages) - with UI to view and retry
        • good monitoring
        • correlation IDs to trace requests
  • Versioning
    • Postel's Law, a.k.a. Robustness principle: "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others."
    • consumer-driven contracts to catch breaking changes early
    • semantic versioning - self-documented impact
    • expand and contract pattern when versioning breaking changes.
      • co-existing versions needed for blue-green deployments and canary releases
  • UI as the compositional layer
    • UI Fragment composition
      • server-side rendering of course-grained fragments work well when aligned with team ownership
      • problem: consistency of UX - mitigated with shared CSS/images/etc
      • problem: doesn't support native applications / thick clients
      • problem: doesn't work for cross-cutting features that don't fit into a widget/page
    • Backends for Frontends
      • aggregated backend layers, with dedicated backends serving UI/APIs for dedicated frontend experiences
      • danger: keep business logic within the underlying services.  Aggregated backends should contain only front-end specific behavior
    • Hybrid of both approaches above 
  • Third-party software
    • Build or Buy commercial-of-the-shelf?
      • "Build if it is unique to what you do, and can be considered a strategic asset; buy if your use of the tool isn't that special" - Build if core to your business
    • Problems with COTS
      • lack of control
      • customization - avoid complex customizations - rather, change your organization's functions
      • integration spaghetti - with different protocols, etc
    • On your own terms
      • Hide COTS CMS behind your own web frontend, putting the COTS within your own service facade
    • Use Strangler Application Pattern to capture and intercept calls to the old system

Ch 5. Splitting the Monolith

  • Seams
    • Identify seams that can become service boundaries (not for the purpose of cleaning up the codebase).
    • Bounded contexts as seams, as they are cohesive and loosely coupled boundaries.
  • Reasons to split
    • Pace of change is faster with autonomous units.
    • Team autonomy
    • Replaceable with alternative implementation
  • Tangled dependencies - use a dependency analysis tool to view the seams as a DAG to find the least depended on seam.
  • Coupling at the database layer
    • Examples of database refactoring to separate schemas
    • Transactional boundaries - split across databases
      • Design patterns for failures (success in one db, but failure in another)
        • Eventually consistency - try again later
        • Compensating transaction - abort entire operation
          • more complex to recover
          • need other compensating behavior to fix up inconsistencies
        • Distributed transaction using a transaction manager
          • 2-phase commit
          • Locks on resources can lead to contention, inhibiting scaling
      • Rather than requiring distributed transactions, actually create a higher-level concept that represents the transaction.
        • Gives a natural place to focus logic around the end-to-end process and to handle exceptions
  • Reporting Systems
    • Can use a read-replica to access the data - but couples database technology
    • APIs - don't scale
    • Data pumps to push the data, rather than have reporting system pull the data
      • service owners write their own pump so not coupled to service schemas
      • reporting schema treated as a published API
      • aggregated view of all service pumps within the reporting system
      • need to deal with complexity of segmented schema
    • Event data pump
      • Reporting service just binds to the events emitted by upstream services
      • Looser coupling and fresher data
      • May not scale as well as data pumps though
    • Backup data pump
      • Variant of data pump used by Netflix using Hadoop off of S3-backed Cassandra data
  • Cost of change
    • Make small, incremental changes to understand the impact of each alteration - mitigates cost of mistakes
    • Small cost: Moving code around within a codebase
    • Large cost: Splitting apart a database
    • Whiteboard
      • Make mistakes where the impact will be the lowest: on the whiteboard
      • Go through use cases
      • Class-responsibility cards (CRC) - borrowing from OOP - each card includes name of the class, its responsibility, and its collaborators

Ch 6. Deployment

  • Continuous Integration
    • CI server detects code is committed, verifies code and runs tests
    • Versioned Artifacts are also created for further validation and usage in downstream deployments
      • Confirms that the artifacts deployed are the ones tested
      • Reused without continual recreation
      • Traceability back to the commit
    • 3 questions from Jez Humble on whether you're really doing it
      • Do you check in to mainline once per day?
        • Even if you are using short-lived branches, integrate frequently
      • Do you have a suite of tests to validation your changes?
      • When the build it broken, is it the #1 priority of the team to fix it?
    • Repo
      • Since repo and single CI build for all microservices
        • requires lock-step releases
        • Ok for early stage and short-period of time
        • Cycle time impacted - speed of moving a single change to being live
        • Ownership issues
      • Single repo with separate CI builds mapping to different parts of the source tree
        • Better than the above
        • Can get into the habit of slipping changes that couple services together.
      • Separate repo with separate CI builds for each microservice
        • Faster development
        • Clearer ownership
        • More difficult to make changes across repos - can be easier via command-line scripts
  • Continuous Delivery
    • Treat each check-in as a release candidate, getting constant feedback on its production readiness
    • Build pipeline
      • One stage for faster tests and another stage for slower tests
      • Feel more confident about the change as it goes through the pipeline
      • Fast tests → Slow tests → User acceptance tests → Performance tests → Production
  • One microservice per build
    • Is the goal
    • However, while service boundaries are still being defined, a single build for all services reduces the cost of cross-service changes
  • Deployable Artifacts
    • Platform-specific
    • OS-specific
    • Images
  • Environments for each pipeline stage and different deployments
    • different collection of configurations and hosts
    • Service configuration
      • Keep configuration decoupled from artifacts
      • Or use a dedicated config system
  • Service to host mapping
    • Multiple services per host
      • Coupling, even with Application Containers
    • Single service per host
      • Monitoring and remediation much easier
      • Isolation of failure
      • Independent scaling
      • Automation mitigates amount of overhead
  • Virtualization
    • Vagrant - can be taxing on a developer machine when running a lot of VMs at once
    • Linux Containers
    • Docker - Vagrant can host a Docker instance
  • No labels