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User XBlock state and most raw score information in edx-platform is currently stored in the StudentModule and StudentModuleHistory models, which correspond to the courseware_studentmodule and courseware_studentmodulehistory tables in the database. These are by far our largest tables, with hundreds of millions of rows. This has been a long term scaling concern – we want to be able to easily add capacity and avoid the locking-related outages which have caused intermittent outages on edx.org. For a discussion on the eventual store, please see 

While the state and scores are stored in the same rows, they are independent concepts with differing query patterns (scores are written much less frequently, scores are often desired for all items a user has in a course, etc.).


  1. Store XBlock student state in a scalable, redundant, low-latency data store.
  2. Allow installations running at smaller scales to keep using MySQL.
  3. Maintain backwards compatibility for existing features.
  4. Better separate grade calculation from XBlock state.

The general approach will be to create new abstractions for XBlock user state and Scores, with pluggable backends. By default, both of these interfaces will point back to StudentModule. Sites with higher scaling requirements (like edx.org) will be able to configure a different backend. All direct calls to StudentModule in edx-platform will be replaced.

Data Dimensions

  • Up to 10K unique XBlock state entries for a given user in a given course (our largest courses tend to be smaller, in the low thousands).
  • Largest cumulative state size for one (course, user) combination is ~5MB of uncompressed JSON on edx.org (this happens in RiceX/ELEC301x/T1_2014)
  • Some state will be extremely similar across students (e.g. multiple choice, sequences), while some will have a much higher variance (e.g. ORA2).
  • Largest known student state for a single module is ~1MB
    • Occurred for a student against i4x://RiceX/ELEC301x/problem/02e84c4d4f5f4f0f86930e5d6e830a5a in course RiceX/ELEC301x/T1_2014
    • Matlab problems return base64 encoded images.
    • This module also had 9 state history entries.

Extra Considerations

  • Make the schema generic enough to handle other scopes?
  • Do we need good data locality across courses for the same user?
  • Append-only data structure?

Access Patterns

 TypeAccess Pattern Use Caseedx.org?Port?Code Example
001State(student, course, module)


Read/write user state for a single XBlock (simple XB view).



002State(student, course, (modules))


Render part of a course tree (e.g. sequence)




State History

(student, course, module)RWState history for a user + problem.YesYeslms/djangoapps/courseware/views.py
004State Bulk(course, module)RWReset/delete/rescore a problem for all students in a course.Yes, asyncYeslms/djangoapps/instructor_task/tasks_helper.py
005State Reportscore not nullRPsychometrics, pull back every graded thing ever.No?lms/djangoapps/psychometrics/psychoanalyze.py
006State Report(course, module)



Course dump of problem state across all students.

Answer distribution.


Yes, async





007State Report(course, module, (students))RORA1 related reporting management commandNoNoinstructor/management/commands/openended_stats.py
008Score(student, course, module)



Get or set score for a single XBlock.

Reset attempts/score in a problem for one student.







009Score(student, course, (modules))



Calculate entrance exam scores.

Determine whether to grade a section.







010Score Report(course, score not null, module)RList of users and their scores for a given problem.NoYeslms/djangoapps/class_dashboard/dashboard_data.py
011Score Stats(course, type=problem, score not null)RScore distribution for all problems in a course.NoAnalytics?lms/djangoapps/class_dashboard/dashboard_data.py
012Score Stats(course, score not null, (modules))RScore distribution for a particular problem set.NoAnalyticslms/djangoapps/class_dashboard/dashboard_data.py
013State Stats(course, type=sequential, module)RHow many students have opened this subsection.NoAnalyticslms/djangoapps/class_dashboard/dashboard_data.py
014State Stats(course, type=sequential)ROpen counts for all subsections in the course.NoAnalyticslms/djangoapps/class_dashboard/dashboard_data.py
015State(course, type=chapter, sequential, problem)R

Open/Completed State for Problems and Sections.

Problem grades lookup planned.



context: emailDistributionTool.png

016State(student, course, type)RNot currently supported, but functionality has been suggested for a number of use cases (being able to get the user's last location more quickly, see all A/B test state at once, etc.)-- 

Code Plan

class XBlockUserStateClient(object):
    First stab at an interface for accessing XBlock User State. This will have
    use StudentModule as a backing store in the default case.
    1. Mediate access to all student-specific state stored by XBlocks.
        a. This includes "preferences" and "user_info" (i.e. UserScope.ONE)
        b. This includes XBlock Asides.
        c. This may later include user_state_summary (i.e. UserScope.ALL).
           - Though I'm fuzzy on where we're going in general with this and how
             it relates to content.
        d. This may include group state in the future.
        e. This may include other key types + UserScope.ONE (e.g. Definition)
           - I think this implies a per-user partition scheme and not a 
             user+course partition scheme.
    2. Assume network service semantics.
        At some point, this will probably be calling out to an external service.
        Even if it doesn't, we want to be able to implement circuit breakers, so
        that a failure in StudentModule doesn't bring down the whole site.
        This also implies that the client is running as a user, and whatever is
        backing it is smart enough to do authorization checks.
    3. This does not yet cover export-related functionality.

    Open Questions:
    1. Is it sufficient to just send the block_key in and extract course + 
       version info from it?
    2. Do we want to use the username as the identifier? Privacy implications?
       Ease of debugging?
    3. Would a get_many_by_type() be useful?

    class ServiceUnavailableError(Exception):

    class PermissionDeniedError(Exception):

    # 001
    def get(user_id, block_key, scope=Scope.user_state):

    # 001
    def set(user_id, block_key, state, scope=Scope.user_state):

    # 002
    def get_many(user_id, block_keys, scope=Scope.user_state):
        """Returns dict of block_id -> state."""

    # 002
    def set_many(user_id, block_keys_to_state, scope=Scope.user_state):

    # 003
    def get_history(user_id, block_key, scope=Scope.user_state):
        """We don't guarantee that history for many blocks will be fast."""

    # 004, 006
    def iter_all_for_block(block_key, scope=Scope.user_state, batch_size=None):
        You get no ordering guarantees. Fetching will happen in batch_size
        increments. If you're using this method, you should be running in an
        async task.

    # 005 if you want to push it...?
    def iter_all_for_course(course_key, block_type=None, scope=Scope.user_state, batch_size=None):
        You get no ordering guarantees. Fetching will happen in batch_size
        increments. If you're using this method, you should be running in an
        async task.


Strawman Schema #1: Scope.user_state-specific, Partition by (user, course)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xblock_user_state (
    user varchar,     -- varchar so that we can support anonymous IDs if desired
    course_key varchar,
    block_type varchar, 
    usage_key varchar,
    created timestamp,  -- append only, each update is a new record
    state binary,
    PRIMARY KEY ((user, course_key), block_type, usage_key, created)


Strawman Schema #2: Generic scoped storage
  -- Not a 1:1 mapping with real users, as it might store anonymized user IDs,
  -- groups, as well as special values like "none".
  -- Examples: "none", "u.301291", "au.31904f9de10"
  user text,
  -- Anything where we want to hold all the state in the same place. Note that
  -- this may mean denormalization (so storing definitions in multiple places).
  -- A course "publishing" might mean we write out a new partition where the
  -- grouping is the versioned course_id, and write all content/settings scopes
  -- there.
  -- Examples: {course_id}, {course_id@version}, {library_id}
  grouping text,

  -- A way to namespace different entities that may want to store different info
  -- for the same (user, grouping). 
  -- For example, we might have many kinds of things that want to create field
  -- overrides (due date extensions, adaptive courseware, etc.) These would all
  -- be placed together in the (user, grouping) partition, where grouping is an
  -- unversioned course_id.
  -- Examples: "lms", "idde", "ccx"
  app text, 

  -- There are two ways we can go with this. Either use this to represent scope
  -- in the BlockScope sense ("usage", "def", "type", "all"), or use this to
  -- represent the named scopes people are more familiar with (content, settings
  -- user_state, preferences, user_info, user_state_summary). I actually prefer
  -- the latter, because it lets us eventually model FieldOverrides in this
  -- table as well. So you could have "settings" var with a user association 
  -- to override a due date, instead of that being "user_state" because it has
  -- the user association.
  -- Examples: "content", "settings", "user_state", "preferences", "user_info"
  --           "user_state_summary" (though possibly abbreviated forms)
  b_scope text,

  -- Type of XBlock. This is here mostly for sorting reasons, so we can
  -- efficiently query for "all A/B tests", "all videos", etc.
  -- Is this redundant given that string representation of keys already
  -- sort by type? Might not be if we're mixing old and new style IDs.
  -- And anyway, the point of opaque keys is that they should remain opaque.
  -- Examples: "video", "html", "problem"
  b_type text,

  -- Usage key, definition key, etc. Unversioned.
  b_key text,

  -- Timestamp, provided by client. Should exactly match the entry going into
  -- the state_hs map.
  modified timestamp,
  -- Typically a UTF-8 encoded JSON string, but XBlocks are free to store
  -- arbitrary binary data here. If we need to find out when this was written,
  -- we can call WRITETIME on this column.
  state binary

  -- A map of timestamps to states. When we update a row, we set both the state
  -- column and add the same entry into this map. This preserves history. Also,
  -- because a map is a CRDT, we shouldn't lose data in the case of a split.
  state_hs = map<timestamp, binary>
    -- Parititon by user and grouping
    (user, grouping),

    -- Cluster within a partition so we can scan by app, scope, and type.
    app, b_scope, b_type, b_key

-- Side note: re-examine user_state_summary use cases to see if counter +
-- ability to scan across users for user_state scope might be sufficient.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xblock_state_summary (
    grouping text,
    b_scope text
    b_key text,
    app text,
    user text,
    hash text, -- bigint? (xxhash)
    modified timestamp,
    state binary,
        (grouping, b_scope, b_key), app, user


This schema is intended to accomodate both the immediate problem of storing student_state scoped XBlock data, and also to provide a place where we could eventually store other types of XBlock scoped storage, including content and field overrides. The goal would be to have a simple, consistent, and fast store for these sorts of data, so that people are not re-inventing the same wheel as we move towards having more dynamic/customized course data (e.g. CCX).

Note that some of these scenarios are highly speculative.

1. Student state

Partition: (user="u.{user_id}", grouping={course_id})

This is written like normal. The schema should give us fast writes, fast reads on individual items, and fast range scans for all of a particular user's student state by block_type. We would also get state history.

2. Published course content and settings.

Partition: (user=none, grouping={course_id@version})

This is written once at publish time. Old publishes are retained. Definitions are stored with the usages in a given partition, so there is duplication here. We may need to delete old partitions (e.g. previously published versions) if the publishing model is too frequent.

3. CCX derived from base course.

Partition: (user=none, grouping={ccx_course_id})

This would store all the overrdies in the settings scope that are necessary to go from the versioned course that this CCX was based on.

4. Individual Due Date Extensions

Partition: (user="u.{user_id}", grouping={course_id})

It's worth noting that this would be stored in the same partition as #1 (user_state scope storage). The app and scope would just be different. This would allow a runtime to grab all student-specific state in a single query.

5. Small Group work.

Partition: (user="u.{user_id}", grouping={course_id})

This could take the form of a new scope. Assuming the groups are relatively small, we could denormalize on writes, so that each student sees a copy of the state. This is in the same partition as #1 and #4.

If we had to model content differences associated with very large groups, we could model that in a separate partition under a user="g.{group_id}".

6. Notifications (*highly* speculative)

 (user="u.{user_id}", grouping={course_id}) # Single user XBlock
(user=none, grouping={course_id}) # Course as a whole

Notifications would have an app name (e.g. "ntf"). They get stored in the same partitions as user state and course state, depending on the notification type. This assumes a new scope.


  1. Parent/child relationship storage might get clunky. It helps that this would be stored against the version course though (since that's only ever written once).
  2. Using a map column like this means that we would be limited to 64K of state per (user, b_key, scope).


Migration Plan - Transactional DB

Migration Plan - Analytics

The big concerns here are:

  1. Preserve our data exports. It currently goes from CSM to 32 S3 intermediate files of between 4-10 GB each, broken up by primary key ID ranges. We'll probably want to skip this step and go straight to where the buckets are grouped by course, since this gives us a more natural way to partition anyhow. This process currently takes ~5 hours to run.
  2. Make sure that doing #1 doesn't kill performance on prod (it currently runs off of the read replica). We can probably be smarter about caching, since data for old courses will likely not change very much. Maybe denormalize on write to (course, item) buckets, track the most recent writes, and use that to cache pieces in S3?
  3. Do something sane while we're in an intermediate migration state. This might mean replicating writes to CSM for data export purposes until we're 100% switched over.
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