2022-03-22 Marketing WG


Mar 23, 2022


  • @Eden Huthmacher - Organiser

  • @Nicole Kessler - Organiser

  • @Esteban Etcheverry

  • @Juan Camilo Montoya

  • @Jenna Makowski

  • @Angie

  • @Dean Jay Mathew - Minutes

  • @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) (apologies/could not attend)


  • Link to Agenda and To Dos:

 Discussion topics









11:00 AM


@Eden Huthmacher

11:05 AM

2022 Open edX® Conference

@Eden Huthmacher

11:13 AM

tCRIL survey on Open edX® global impact

@Jenna Makowski

11:16 AM

Open edX® Sandbox

@Juan Camilo Montoya

  • Link to proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KGc0JDd0TZtXs85Cs5B3Yj7E_OOzwxRNfy0x-PNTYAY/edit

  • EduNext has started developing a truly beautiful Open edX® Sandbox for people to learn more about how Open edX® works:

  • Logo: draft design to be finalised then approved by Legal:

  • Visibility in Catalog: The courses that people create will not be visible on the catalog/public view. @Juan Camilo Montoya's team wiIl wipe data regularly each week.

  • Interactive Walkthrough:

    The sandbox includes Interactive Walkthroughs.

p.s. you can learn how to add Interactive Walkthroughs to your Open edX® courses from Collin Fredericks here: https://www.edx.org/course/studio-advanced-2

11:27 AM

Publicising the goals of the different Working Groups

@Eden Huthmacher

11:34 AM

How To videos

@Dean Jay Mathew

  • Placement: How To videos are tentatively planned to be placed under the Get Started section of the Open edX® website.

  • Quality Control: @Juan Camilo Montoya and @Esteban Etcheverry are supporting this initiative and said we could use a similar video template to the recent Meet the Marketing WG Members series, and that the template should be strictly adhered to. We need to add a quality control step (audio, graphics etc must be reviewed for quality).

  • tCRIL: @Jenna Makowski mentioned that she is busy with a similar initiative and suggests collaboration. tCRIL are doing a How To series in text format, so the video could support and enhance that. Here is an example of a similarly styled tutorial with video and text from Elegant Themes: https://www.elegantthemes.com/documentation/divi/video-slider/

  • View the document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T_KToyp8uIlAJuJbmGD5fzXppx7769UhQKM5p8S1ezI/edit

11:47 AM

Meet Ups

@Nicole Kessler

  • The Virtual Event Committee is taking the lead

11:48 AM

Code of Conduct

@Nicole Kessler

  • This is a high priority for after the upcoming conference

  • The Marketing WG is planning to create an addendum, rather that updating the current outline. The addendum will be specific to the collaboration environment of the Marketing WG and will include the recent violations to avoid them going forward. The full outline of the addendum has not been identified yet and we will not have capacity to do so, until after the conference. More details to follow.

11:50 AM

Open Source Platforms Comparison

@Eden Huthmacher

  • “apple-to-apple“ comparison: is being done between different open source platforms, starting with Open edX® vs Moodle.

  • Document: We need a new person to take over this role and @Jenna Makowski mentioned she is already working on a document comparing how Moodle does documentation. Jenna says she can broaden her work to start comparing platforms from a product viewpoint. Strengths vs weaknesses, etc. It overlaps with the Product Working Group a bit so collaboration between these two WGs is on the table. For this “Competitive landscape research”; we need to first agree on what do we want to present, then we can work backwards from there. Feel free to get involved here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kNBQTrkWlt9TReuq-ZyGfnoeXEWktPdPAtlLhkt4u4Q/edit

11:52 AM

Recording Meetings

@Eden Huthmacher

  • We may record meetings: henceforth to post on the Trello board as complimentary to the text minutes.

11:57 AM


@Esteban Etcheverry

  • Pushed back: this task is to be pushed back to after the conference.


Close of Meeting

@Eden Huthmacher

@Nicole Kessler

Thanks to all who joined the meeting today or gave kind apologies in advance. Do you want to join the next meeting? Meetings are bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 10 AM (EST) or 11 AM during daylight savings. Contact the organisers in advance if you are unsure about how to join:

 Action items


  1. To update the Code of Conduct
  2. To record future meetings to share with the community
  3. To push Wikipedia article back to after the conference