2023-04-19 Marketing WG

2023-04-19 Marketing WG

Link to the agenda in trello

Key agenda points:



Notes / links

Action items



Notes / links

Action items

eMOOCs conference

@Stefania Trabucchi

  • Probably we will have Anant Agarwal performing a talk

  • The Workshops - EMOOCs was confirmed by the organizers. June 14, 2023 at 9am CEST

  • Talk proposals are to be confirmed still.

  • We will have one table which we can decorate with:

    • Hand-outs & brochures and marketing material etc.

    • Place for 3 Roll-ups

Participants in the conference (axim, edunext, abstract and raccoongang) will meet separaterly on April 20th to coordinate the details.

Open edX Sandbox

@Eden Huthmacher

The current Open edX Sandbox deployed by edunext is ending its initially agreed period.

This has been a good resource for the community and potential new adopters, so the conversation will continue into the alternatives to carry on with a Sandbox in a way that satisfies all service providers.

Interested parties @Edward Zarecor @Natalia Vynogradenko @Ayaz Quraishi @Stefania Trabucchi , @Nicole Kessler and @Juan Camilo Montoya will meet to define the way forward.

Brainstorming session

@Stefania Trabucchi

The Results of the brainstorming session in Boston and Meeting notes from the 05.04.2023 where reviewed, specially the structure of the document and the first section about team norms and rules.

We’ll continue working with the document in the following meetings

New tool for managing MWG activities

@Eden Huthmacher

It is sugested to migrate from Trello to Github projects in order to better articulate our work with that of the other WG.

@Natalia Vynogradenko proposed to explore glassfrog as a free tool to help us manage the organization and its governance with holocracy principles

@Eden Huthmacher will invite everyone into Github projects

@Natalia Vynogradenko will showcase the glassfrog tool to the group.

MWG charter page

@Eden Huthmacher

@Juan Camilo Montoya

suggested that these rules are integrated into the draft for the MWG charter page we started discussing in 2022

@Eden Huthmacher will incorporate the agreements into the soon to be published MWG charter page

OKRs and tasks

@Eden Huthmacher @Angie Ruíz

The proposed actions items for 2023 are now organized in the form of OKRs here.

Members of the MWG are invited to volunteer to lead some of these initiatives or propose new ones

Reporting the outcomes of the MWG meeting

@Juan Camilo Montoya

The system for reporting the outcomes of the group to the comunity was explained.

@Juan Camilo Montoya volunteered to produce the notes for this meeting and to share the steps at the begining of the next call so that we rotate this responsability.

@Nicole Kessler will add this as the first point in the next meeting agenda.

Other Action items:


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