(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

(blue star) Recordings

(blue star) Discussion topics





5 minutes

Action items update


Check progress on the previhttps://sessionize.com/2023-open-edx-conferenceous meeting’s action items.

10 minutes

Mini Olive retrospective

Adolfo Brandes

  • Went pretty smoothly, thanks Matjaz Gregoric!

  • Bugs were in the code, but that was mostly due to us bringing in MFEs last-minute

5 minutes

Testing update

Adolfo Brandes

  • We should add items to the test plan based on the bugs we found this time around

  • We should remove items from the test plan that shouldn’t be there

  • We should test upgrades

5 minutes

Release notes

Peter Pinch

Release notes are merged & published. 🎉

  • Thanks Peter Pinch!

  • If folks have issues, where should they open them?

    • BTR board for issues in Olive

    • Upstream repos if possible

5 minutes

Organizational topics

Adolfo Brandes

  1. Chair: Jorge Londoño has volunteered to be chair for the Palm cycle (🎉🎉🎉)

  2. Unifying the BTR, DevExp, and a potential new DevOps working group under one roof.

Release Naming

Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

We need to pick names, and have a process for picking names.

We will pick one by Jan 15th, possibly with rank-choice voting of names suggested by the group.

non-openedx repos

Peter Pinch

The olive release surfaced a number of repos that are (still) outside the openedx org, e.g edx-sga. How/do we address these?

5 minutes

Openedx Con CFP

Feanil Patel


(blue star) Action items

(blue star) Decisions

63ab7aed-3cc3-4d91-8e0a-f764c606ffa69877b63c-ef41-4194-afbb-20dce87bd71fDECIDEDOur next meeting is going to be on January 9th, 2023, because nobody will be around on January 2nd, and January 16th is a federal holiday in the US.849eb633-e622-4ae6-9ad7-a7a90785632dDECIDEDBTR will pick a name for the “Q” release in January via a ranked vote on options members nominate