(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

(blue star) Discussion topics






Reorg proposal

Jenna Makowski Sarina Canelake @ali


Release notes discussion

Ryan O'Connell

In an effort to build a comprehensive location for product announcements we’ve (2U) been publishing release notes on the Product WG Blog… and we’re lonely (blue star)

Is it a good place? where do you post yours? would an in-app experience be better? all things release notes.

[WIP] April 25

Writing community guidelines for building features

Sarina Canelake

Some guidelines are now proposed for how to handle pull requests and how to propose making a feature (making a roadmap ticket, etc). This needs to be documented somewhere. Who can take this task?

  1. Wiki documentation of PR review process [Ryan/Jenna/Shelly]

  2. Documentation of doing product discovery/feature definition in the open and how to submit [Santiago]

  3. Once it’s in wiki, translate to docs.openedx.oeg [Sarina]

(blue star) Action items