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Review langaues

Eden Huthmacher

  • Added new Estonian

  • Cecila: How do we accept a new lanagueg

    • Eden:

      • at least one dedicated reviwer

      • At least 90%

    • Ghassan:

      • In future we might be more lean, given it’s expected opreator would be able to choose how many langaues their platform use by default


  • OEP-58

  • Langauge depreacation

    • Eden: TX doesn’t support lang archive, we would only have to donwload them and save them somwhere.

  • The mapping of langauge/locale to countires, do we have a deifne list

    • i.e as I user from latin america es49 by default

    • i.e as I user form Austria, do I get DE

    • Eden: is that coverd in OEP-58

    • Omar: We don’t want to hard code the lanague locale in the code, as I understand this one of the issue, we are porposing is there well a settings, i.e OPEN_EDX_LOCALE=['ar','en'].

    • Ghassan: This cover the case of choosing which langagues, but what about if user is requesting a language that is not enabled by default, which lanaguege the sustem would choose

    • Brain: This would be outscope of OEP-58

  • Proivde a path of how to include a new lanague in the code

  • When/How supported language can be added

    • ref Translation Working Group (lang we support)

    • Brain: The process of adding an new lanague would be much simpler with OEP58

    • Omar: We would just add one setting somehwer and that’s it, i.e. no need to change makefiles of all repos

    • Omar: Where is the list of lnaggues:

    • Eden: You can use all the langauges in wiki/trello, beside thailand/Estonian The list live here Omar Al-Ithawi Translation Working Group Right Eden Huthmacher ?

  • Locale vs langauge

    • Ghassan: Are we going to keep using them as they are, i.e. sometimes the code is refering to langauge sometimes langague_region

    • Brian: we would see how TX deal with that, from the code side, it’s trivial to deal with it

Rewving board

We are moving from Trello to gihub, and also form Trello to wiki for minutes and agena

Sync from https://trello.com/c/aB8yeztJ/80-meeting-summary-5-24-2023

Github board: https://github.com/orgs/openedx/projects/50/views/2

Share feedback

Eden Huthmacher

issue: https://github.com/openedx/wg-translations/issues/3

  • Eden: Can you take 5 minutes to share your feedback

  • Alexandra:

    • Can we do it async, can we also do it later? I feel like there might be much better feedback from the teams I've working with :-)

      • Eden: Yes we would let it be avaibale for at least 2 weeks

    • This is a very good idea

  • Cecilia: sometimes I face issue with google translation for items

  • Ghassa: Yes I face the same with Arabic seomties

  • Eden: it’s expected because Google tranlation doesn’t take context

  • Ghassan:

Test tranlation

Ghassan Maslamani

issue: https://github.com/openedx/wg-translations/issues/2

Ghassan: Note that the translation will be what translator has translated to the cut branch, which is mid-April, we would need to do extra step if translation was during last month per say

Brain: This would be much simplier with OEP58


Eden Huthmacher

  • We are moving to Wiki/Github board, the former agenda minutes and the latter for tasks

  • We will be having our meeting every third Wednesday of each Month

Comunnity event

Eden Huthmacher

(blue star) Action items

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(blue star) Decisions

6d568234-1176-41fc-bd42-8fe38f6254ef6c135d60-d08d-4566-a145-3f4216a8cbecDECIDEDWe are having our meeting as 4a2ac659-d0df-4c90-9590-3ab2e4c498c0DECIDEDWe are moving from Trello to wiki 458fd10b-af6e-46e0-a2ea-213e2470390dDECIDEDWe more from Trello to github board