(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants


(blue star) Goals

List goals for this meeting (e.g., Set design priorities for FY19)

(blue star) Discussion topics





Action Items (blue star)

Palm retrospective

Jorge Londoño

Action Items for Q release 📈:

  • Jorge Londoño will include these action items in the Quince release plan

Quince release planning

Jorge Londoño

Near deadlines:

  • Mon 2023-10-09 - (blue star) quince.master

  • Mon 2023-12-11 - (blue star) quince.1

Early red flags🚩:

  • Django 4.2 upgrade (ask Axim Ned - 2U Jeremy Bowman)

  • Confirming Dean’s role

  • Which MFEs will be included in Quince?

Codejail is outdated. What is the plan for updating it?

Pierre Mailhot

  • Jorge Londoño (edunext) will ask internally about the timing for updating Codejail.

Using a CDN to speed up MFEs:

Moisés González

  • Jorge Londoño will give more visibility to the post in the community channels.

(blue star) Decisions
