(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants


(blue star) Goals

List goals for this meeting (e.g., Set design priorities for FY19)

(blue star) Discussion topics





Action Items (blue star)

What should we do with e-commerce bug reports? (specifically: this one) Not all of us have access to a working e-commerce dev/prod installation.


Maria Grimaldi

  • We’re still supporting Open edX E-Commerce until E-Commerce Coordinator is released

  • Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) highlighted the future of Commerce coordinator is not clear

  • Jorge Londoño will list the team members that have access to an e-commerce instance to reach out to them everytime we have

  • Maksim Sokolskiy will review the issue internally with his team

What should we do to move this issue forward – before the new release?

Maria Grimaldi

  • Creating an issue to include MFEs test cases for Quince Jorge Londoño

  • Reaching out to Adolfo and Brian to ask for their input on this matter Jorge Londoño

Additionally, frontend-app-communications doesn't exist in Transifex. Is that something this group could help with, or do the owners of the MFE need to fix that?

Jorge Londoño

  • People that have time for this will take a look at the PRs

  • Jorge Londoño will give more visibility to this at edunext

Quince release work plan

Next Release: Quince 🌳

Jorge Londoño

  • Régis B. will be able provide the test instance

  • Chris Patti will take over on the documentation expert role

  • Confirming the active repos before October 9

Deciding next releases (S and T) names

Jorge Londoño

(blue star) Decisions
