2022-10-26 Arch Coordination Meeting notes


Oct 26, 2022

Zoom Link


  • @Dave Ormsbee (Axim)

  • @Glib Glugovskiy

  • @Alexander Dusenbery

  • @Felipe Montoya

  • @Chris Deery

  • @Andy Shultz (Deactivated)

  • @Robert Raposa

  • @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

  • @Brian Smith

  • @Feanil Patel



 Discussion topics









5 mins

Arch coordination required (MFE extension options)

@Glib Glugovskiy

We want to extend new learner records MFE (credentials IDA) with new functionality for VC.
I have found draft OEPs, but not sure about a generic approach for extending MFEs.

For event bus messaging between Studio and Credentials, start talking with Arch-BOM. Robert Raposa is the right person to reach out to.

5 mins

Followup on previous action items


  • Schedule a second round of this?

    • Slack

    • High level meta – how to know which things are important after you’ve narrowed the noise down?

    • Last time we focused a lot on tools. Maybe look at higher level concepts.

    • @Dave Ormsbee (Axim) : Schedule a 1 hour office hours and put up a poll for it.

  • Bi-weekly writeup of arch issues.

5 mins



    • Andy: Seems like it got much more feedback by being on the wiki instead of being reviewed in GitHub. Surprisingly so. (Being able to highlight words and comment on that was startlingly better.)

      • Felipe: +1 Non-devs much more willing to engage.

      • Ned: Still goes to GitHub eventually for stable state, but good to review them in Confluence.

  • Changelogs thread

30 mins

Feedback on


*Ned: Slack is for words in flight, not words at rest. Do people see these messages reliably?

Feanil: Thought is that if you’re following a specific subject area, you’re probably paying attention to that part of the Slack ecosystem more than most people. For the small level of change impacting some parties, you might miss this, and that’s okay. Depends on what the impact is.

Ned: Perennial question, “which of these channels work”?

Robert: How to find out the specifics if the specifics are different? Whether that’s connected to a particular topic in backstage… How do I know what to listen to?

Robert: What are the types of announcements that we’re talking about?

  • Questions vs. Proposals communicated differently?

  • Ned: Another level of detail that might clarify: this is about an announcement. But this could just be “hey, look at this thing over there for details”. Where should the details go (probably one place), while the announcements go to many places.

    • Feanil: Make the Discourse Post mandatory and have the details for anything that is not specific to a repository?

      • Ned: What if it’s a wiki page?

        • Feanil: Feels weird because announcements are transitory.

          • Ned: But we’re talking here about the details. Discourse feels good that it async, but it feels like it goes away eventually. transitory.

            • Feanil: example: say we’re adding a new requirements.in file to all the repos. The fact that that changed happened is transitory. What is the permanent change for this? Commands changed? Can imagine for other things (e.g. switching from pip tools to poetry is a big OEP somewhere). Want some place to put the delta.

            • Ned: Maybe too many different possibilities. Maybe the guideline is just “find one place for the details and announce in multiple places”

            • (Feanil is adding this to the doc)

            • Robert: When you do want a discussion, you often want discussions to happen in one place. Choosing a place for the discussion and letting people know in the announcement is important.

  • Questions vs. Proposals

    • Robert: Can we have examples of good announcements, to highlight the different types of announcements? So people know it’s not just proposals, things that are done, etc.

      • Feanil: Added “Examples of Different Announcements” table at the bottom of the doc so we can start collecting these.

      • Andy: My concern is about training if people expect things to be in once place and they are in another.

        • Feanil: If it’s only impacting a specific repo, it probably doesn’t have wide arch impact that requires announcement.

        • Andy: Jira might be appropriate for things that impact a single repo, e.g. when repos don’t use issues.

          • Ned: But if you put it in Jira, you’re not reaching the audience.

            • Feanil: As Maintainership ramps up, we will be switching repos to GitHub Issues and require monitoring those.

            • Andy: should link to Maintainership requirements.

            • Glib: sometimes single repo changes still need to be discoverable if it will affect people outside the repo. [feanil: the impact means it goes to row 2 or 3]

  • Alex: what if your wiki page had like...a summary. and you copypasta the summary into the announcement

    • Everyone agrees this is a good idea

    • Feanil: adding this as part of the guidelines, that your details page should have a summary that can be copy-pasted everywhere.

  • Ned: Potential rituals concern: Core Contributors Meetup is listed in 3/4 rows, but people often don’t go to them–it’s turned into a scrum of scrum of working groups.

    • Feanil: Other potential meeting that might be a good choice is the Maintainers scrum-of-scrums.

      • Ned: That meeting is even fuzzier.

        • Feanil: Just remove for now?

        • Felipe: CC Meetup precedes working groups. Has reviews of Listaflow, blocking items. Merged with CC Retro.

        • Feanil: Enough there about devs talking about their problems where telling them about things that might become their problems seems appropriate. Can try it and ask for feedback.

  • Robert: Discuss has a top level announcements category. Some notes on when/if/how the difference between the announcements category and the fact that we’re announcing makes sense. OEPs specifically get announced in a particular place.

    • Feanil: Right now the discourse links go to the Arch category. (category is now in the page next to the link).

  • Consensus is that the doc is good enough to send out and iterate on.





 Action items

@Dave Ormsbee (Axim) Schedule next office hours session.
