2015-09-10 meeting notes

Campus Applications Working Group

Meeting Minutes

Sept 10, 2015

Attendees: Beth Porter, Braden MacDonald, Colin Fredericks, Derek White, Pan Luo, Greg Bruhns, Phil McGachey, Ross Strader, Shawn Milochik, Tracey Schroeder, John Zornig, Joel Barciauskas, Ned Batchelder, Roland Jaeckel

  • Phil: demoing

    • first use case: make edx content show up in canvas

    • second use case: make edx leaf problems available as canvas assignments

    • new pull request, accepted last week:

      • non-leaves can be assignments

      • edx doesn't have a "problem set" concept

        • edx emphasizes immediate feedback

        • on-campus prefers one grade at the end

        • canvas gets an callback as soon as one question is answered: bad

        • code now detects leaf vs vertical

          • if leaf, send callback as soon as question is answered.

          • if vertical, wait until student is idle for 15 minutes before sending grade

          • 15 minutes is arbitrary: some want shorter, some want longer.

          • 15 minutes is a per-server setting

          • if a callback has happened, another answer will send another callback after another 15 minutes

          • LTI will update the grade

    • How to configure in Canvas

      • Harvard's LTI edx providing site has no public courses

        • if on a server with public courses, make copies of courses to be private for serving LTI content.

      • edX user is auto-generated from LTI credentials

      • Getting the url to edX content:

        • edX doesn't provide it nicely

        • Phil has a separate tool to navigate a course export and embed parts of it in Canvas.

          • it's open source, if someone wants to do the same for blackboard.

  • Derek has a slightly different use case

    • students navigate to edx, and then navigate around within edx

    • UBC will use all three models:

      • SSO only

      • simple embedding

      • navigate to entire course

  • Greg: is LTI provider code available now? Yes.

  • Ross asks if it is possible to link to larger than a vertical

    • yes

  • Is there docs on edge use?

    • Yes.

  • Beth:

    • edx doesn't have blackboard or canvas running

    • edx is relying on others to test

  • John Z: IMS has compliance tests

  • Braden, demoing SSO

    • live on edge:

      • "use my school credentials" button

    • how was it set up?

      • edge.edx.org/auth/saml/metadata.xml

      • the school configures the school's shibboleth provider

      • visit the django admin for a Provider Configuration

      • enter info like name, etc

      • enter entity ID, a url the school admins will know

      • enter metadata source for the school

      • finicky part:

        • User ID Attribute, etc:

        • URN of saml attributes to use to map data from school to data in edX

      • UBC sends one opaque identifier, no other personal info

    • clicking "Use UBC" on the login page takes you to the UBC login page, and then you are logged into edX.

    • There are other options:

      • skip registration

      • skip email verification, if you know

      • advanced settings can do even fancier stuff

        • UBC has requiredEntitlements, to insist that the student be a current student, not an alumnus

    • Questions:

      • Students can't unlink an account if the put in the wrong email

        • needs to be accommodated in edx code to be able to override an account that exists but isn't active yet.

  • Operational issues

    • When we rolled out LTI, we didn't account for services to get everyone up and running.

    • We've been taxing our devops team with LTI and SSO requests

    • We have more experience now

    • We don't have a great support plan

    • Can we have a set of features that are entirely supported by the community

    • Tracy: we don't know what it will take, so can't make demands

      • once we're using this in production with real courses, then it will need 24/7 support

      • we need to talk about service level expectations

      • do we need a pilot burn-in period?

    • Beth: working with Derek and Phil has been really valuable

      • they have the systems we're integrating with

      • Tracy: both LTI and SSO need both edx and the school to be available to support

    • John Z: edx won't let school teams have admin access to edge

    • UBC will be running courses soon

    • Derek: Individual schools could run from forks

    • Beth: we might soon be turning on SSO on edx.org

    • Tracy: we might be using our MOOCs as a content repository

    • Derek: copying content is OK, but the future will be different

    • Beth: content libraries is new, haven't used it much

      • could potentially let you build learning object in edX

  • Should this group continue? Do we want to take on new features?

  • What's coming next?

    • UBC needs to map between edx ids and the opaque identifiers UBC sent

      • Have proposed an API to get that data

      • then we can write an instructor-facing app that can do a number of things:

        • identify a single user

        • download grades, filling in UBC ids

        • roster re-alignment

      • Authorization is the challenging part of designing the API

      • Berkeley is also interested in the identity pairs API

    • Persistence of the passed id

      • ensuring that the passed id flows through the whole system into the data dumps

  • What do people want?

    • Tracy: how are early adoptions and pilot efforts going? This group could check in on that, and discuss, share knowledge

    • Tracy: content repository for repurposing content on campus, learning about LORE

    • Greg: more granular reporting

      • which students have looked at the videos

      • also, page views

    • Braden: OpenCraft and edX analytics are adding per-student reporting

    • Braden: content libraries can be a source of LTI content also

      • John Z: what would be the context for the results?

      • hmm, maybe it wouldn't work.

    • Braden: Shibboleth federations

      • a collection of schools that pool their metadata

      • integrate hundreds of schools at once.

      • SSO doesn't support that right now.

      • would people be interested in that?

        • John Z: yes

    • Braden: there are 10 different ways to log into edX

      • as a developer, it would be great to retire some of those