Open edX Developer Documentation

Open edX Developer Documentation

This page covers a variety of developer documentation products, including the Open edX Developer's Guide, IDA documentation, and other forms of documentation.

Documentation for developers presents an opportunity for edX and the Open Source community. Currently, documentation is scattered across a number of repos, wiki pages, GitHub, and other sources.

See also Developer Documentation in the Open edX Development / Engineering wiki.

Open edX Developer's Guide

Audience: Developers

Source files: edx/documentation/en-us/developers

The documentation team has not regularly maintained the Open edX Developer's Guide. Most of the content for this guide was created by Dave Ormsbee (Deactivated).

The process for creating or updating documentation in this guide is the process outlined on the Creating and Updating Documentation - RTD page.

IDA Documentation

EdX has a number of independently deployable applications (IDAs), each with its own documentation that is located in the same repo as the IDA. The ECOM team and docs team have discussed the best location for IDA documentation—should documentation for an IDA be with the code, or should it be in the edx-documentation repo?—but have not come to a definitive conclusion. For information about these discussions, see the following pages.

IDA Documentation Strategy 1

IDA Documentation Strategy 2

Open edX Release Notes

Release notes accompany each release version of Open edX. These release notes contain a list of the major updates in the release. For more information, see Open edX Release Documentation and Versioning.

Open edX XBlock Tutorial

The Open edX XBlock Tutorial seeks to show users how to create an XBlock. For more information, see Open edX XBlock Tutorial.

Open Learning XML Guide

The Open Learning XML Guide provides a reference for Open Learning XML (OLX), edX's version of XML. For more information, see Open Learning XML Guide.

Additional Developer Documentation

Additional developer documentation is located in edX wiki pages, GitHub, and other places. The documentation team had a meeting with members of the ECOM team in August to discuss organizing and consolidating developer documentation. 


As of October 2016, the most common resources for developer documentation are listed on the following page.

Community Resources and Documentation

For more information, see the following pages.