Resources for Learning Sass
Resources for Learning Sass
This page brings together some condoned references and resources to help developers work nicely in the edX Platform UI.
Best Practices
UX Pattern Library Style Guides - This is the future and new CSS/Sass should be written to these standards.
General FED Styleguide - https://github.com/edx/ux-pattern-library/wiki/Styleguide:-General
Sass/CSS Styleguide - https://github.com/edx/ux-pattern-library/wiki/Styleguide:-Sass-&-CSS
HTML Styleguide - https://github.com/edx/ux-pattern-library/wiki/Styleguide:-HTML
CSS for Software Engineers (Slides): https://speakerdeck.com/csswizardry/css-for-software-engineers-for-css-developers