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Contributing Team

Marco Morales , Volodymyr Chekyrta

Earlier Discovery

Quick Discovery Next! N/A

Linked Initiatives

Tentative Funded Contribution FC-0046

Roadmap Entry


With this project we hope to transition the Open edX learning experience toward simplified navigation and quicker access to learning content. Similarly, we plan to lay the foundation for future course home and app home experiences that represent learning homes not content listing pages.


  • Stage 1 - Account Level Navigation Changes

    • Account Settings - Cleaned up account settings tools split out from Learner Profile

    • Updated App Navigation Bar - Updated core navigation to Learn, Discover, Downloads, and Profile, skipping future proposed Dates / Plan page and Profile → Activity page shift.

  • Stage 2 - Dashboard Level Navigation Changes

    • New Learn Page : Configurable Products + Listing / Next Step Modes This shift combines the Courses + Programs tabs to a single Learn tab with a clear product selection toggle at the top of the view. Product pages can be native or web view linked. This increment also introduces modes for the product view (listing - status quo) and (next step - future direction). The default view will shift to being ‘next step’ however it will be easy for applications to configure the listing view instead for courses.

    • New Downloads Page - Application level downloads view, or at least a simple v1 variant that links to per-course download views to be improved eventually by Project - Offline Mode (Text + Problems) (FC-28c)

  • Stage 3 - Course Home

    • details coming soonCourse Image, Heading, and Navigation - This involves a visual shift to the course home experience to present course image, title, organization and main course navigation views up top instead of using the bottom course navigation bar. Fallbacks to support cases where no course image exists, as well as scrolling behavior is part of this.

    • Basic Visual Progress Summary - An initial high level progress visual that we can improve over time will be added to course home to highlight which fraction of the total course lessons have been completed.

    • Course Sections / Outline Updates - Focusing the course outline on a quick recap of progress to date and clear hierarchical boundaries for course areas is a key aspect of this refresh. Collapsing completed sections to minimize their visual weight, providing a space for course messages (such as certificate or access expiration), and other updates relating to incorporating visual progress are a planned part of this.

  • Stage 4 - Sequences Navigation Updates

    • details coming soon

    Stage 5 - Course Content Page
    • Echoing Full Unit Page Navigation - For sequences our goal is to remove the need to have a secondary outline page after the course home page which lists units + components / blocks. Instead, our goal is to jump students into learning sequences from the Start Course / Resume Course buttons or Course Outline elements on course home. To achieve this our plan is to build full unit pages as is the case on the desktop web experience, with learners progressing through unit pages via next and previous buttons.


  • Learners - These updates are focused on learner facing changes to the mobile applications.


In Scope

Out of Scope

New Learn Page (clear toggle between Courses and Programs)

New Plan Page - While includes for the sake of directional visibility, this page can be build after completion of Project - Mobile Dates & Calendar Personalization

New Downloads Page -v1 App Level page for downloads (to be incorporated into plans but built into the Offline Mode project)

New Activity Page - May keep this as profile page for now, with future changes planned after core navigation is updated. This page is of secondary / tertiary importance compared to other updates in this scope.

Updated Course Home - A new course home experience with new navigational elements instead of the bottom navigation bar, improved visual styling for the content outline, addition of a simplified top level progress bar, and other small adjustments.

Updated Learning Sequences Navigation - This includes the removal of the secondary Unit + Component page after the Course Home page, streamlining content access flows.

MVP Specs

Features & Requirements
