Hey everyone,
TL;DR: We are now in the pre-release phase for the next Open edX release: Palm. Code merged to master now will not be part of Palm. Keep this in mind as you make changes, especially needed fixes: They will need special attention, so reach out.
What is Palm? The next Open edX community release is named Palm. It will be based on the code as of today. We can include your future changes if you alert us to them.
What happened: Today we created the open-release/palm.master branches in our repos. As of now, your day-to-day work is contributing to the release after Palm, which will be called Quince. The community will be stabilizing and testing Palm, and we'll be making fixes on the Palm branches, leading up to the official Palm release in early June.
What you should do: As you do your work, please be aware of fixes that might need to be applied to Palm. I can help get the fix into the release, but you need to let us know there is a fix to be applied. They will need to be cherry-picked to ship as part of Palm.
I know this gets confusing, but your code going onto master will now automatically be part of the Quince release (due next December). There is a new Quince wiki page for you to note things that will need to be considered when it comes time to release Quince. Please add features, caveats, and concerns to that page. If you are uncertain whether something should be mentioned there, add it. Or, talk to me and we'll figure it out.
Have questions? If you want to know more, we have an FAQ about the Open edX community releases. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Thanks for all your hard work! You make Open edX software the valued open source platform it is!
--Ned, on behalf of the community Build/Test/Release working group.