Agenda (1/4/22)Happy new year! Build jenkins vs. tools jenkins Bok Choy DEPR discussion Maple released! Can move edx-certificates to edx-unsupported now that we’re not on Lilac anymore Now that MFEs are supported in Maple, we can start looking into removing legacy frontend code
Moving DEPR to a Github project Hopes and dreams (deprecation-wise)
Agenda (1/18/22)Agenda (2/1/22)Elasticsearch update OEP updates [Jeremy] How can we enable this WG’s members to spend more time following through on deprecation work? Teams are overallocated and understaffed on work, hard to carve out time. We should talk about this during future meetings: what kind of work can we do in the next two weeks? Could we engage more actively with the community? Could we reschedule to be more Europe-friendly? Lots of competition for those timeslots Show up to the community working group meetings and invite more people to this group or to engage with this group via Slack/Discourse
Question: MySQL 8? Target is currently allowing Nutmeg with a setting. Need to do cleanup work on old migrations. Talk with OpenCraft about this work to keep up us from duplicating work.
Bok choy DEPR update Engage squad is working on DEPR work Removing legacy courseware views Move test modulestore to use split modulestore Hide old mongo from Studio and Courseware
Jenkins deprecation Last thing is the codejail tests Be prepared to put Build Jenkins behind the VPN and make it private, but wait until the codejail tests get migrated to Github actions
What can we do over this next week? Make sure bok-choy DEPR ticket gets announced Kill off old ES clusters What can we do help with the Mongo deprecation? Dave and Mike will talk about old Mongo deprecation work
Agenda (2/15/22)Transition from Jira to GitHub Issues Persistent grades - should this be made the default and remove the option of doing otherwise? Feels appropriate for a DEPR ticket, removing the ability to have non-persistent grades Dave Ormsbee (Axim) will write this up
codejail CI is just about moved from Jenkins to GitHub Actions, should be able to make that Jenkins server private soon DEPR blended project brief has been written, will move forward once Jeremy has time to review and Diana has time to nudge it along (both should happen relatively soon) Feanil Patel will review other feature flags that are currently off by default but really should be on by default (completion, etc.) Should internal and external DEPR channels be joined? A PR for Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | 13fd1930-5608-3aac-a5dd-21b934d3a4b4 |
key | DEPR-151 |
| is in progressArbi-BOM is making headway on Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | 13fd1930-5608-3aac-a5dd-21b934d3a4b4 |
key | DEPR-150 |
| , hoping for completion shortlyNot a DEPR ticket, but removal of legacy a11y testing cruft removed 21K lines of code in edx-platform:
Agenda (3/1/22) We don’t think this has been working on any Open edX release for the last 4 years. Does this pass the ‘statute of limitations'? Action item: Move to openedx-unsupported and see who complains. What do do with edx-notifications? Looking for advice on how to proceed with bok-choy, now that’s it’s deprecated. -Kyle Would folks be willing to move this wiki page tree (Deprecation Working Group ) under Open edX Working Groups ? -Kyle -Kyle FYI for now. Should we turn this into bunch of smaller tickets? What is the plan for Nutmeg? Announce now to start the conversation early. Can we tie the DEPR and tech radar together through automation
Github Issues: How do we refer to them? With all the MFE-ficiation happening, how can we use DEPR to better prepare the community for upcoming frontend changes and make sure that all necessary concerns are gathered? Case study: DEPR-42 and the following custom payment processor debacle. This is still an open issue. Upcoming: frontend-app-authn and frontend-app-discussions. Can we surface decisions made and support dropped on DEPR tickets or somewhere are? Nascent Product Process and working group that might be the long game Make sure we pay attention to the release boundaries? Ideal: experimental named release, default named release, removed named release In the case of smaller features: default named release, removed named release
Can we include Discussion MFE in Nutmeg in an experimental version? Bring this discussion to the BTR group. We need to make sure teams in 2U/edX make DEPR tickets.
Old Mongo deprecation continues - we turned off enrollments. And working on turning off marketing pages. 🎉 🎉 🎉 Announced DEPR for start/due dates outside of Sections and Subsections. - Dave Continuing to move things from Jira to Github
Agenda(Ides of March)Agenda (March 29, 2022)Blog post about moving to Github issues? What is the focus? Which blog? We could also make it a discuss post - in announcements More of an inform rather a discussion about the complications around the move Jira to Github move might have some interesting topics
DEPR blended project updates RG has begun working through the EdxRestApiClient DEPR and will continue to go through it until it is completed or we run out of hours for them. [DEPR]: EdxRestApiClient #37 [DEPR]: Remove legacy course info page & related code [DEPR]: Remove Enterprise Catalog API V1 from edx-enterprise [DEPR]: Retire LegacyWaffle classes #28 [DEPR]: Remove VerifiedTrackCohort #63 [DEPR]: Cleanup: Remove last vestiges of save option from anonymous_id_for_user #35 [DEPR]: Replace PDF course certificate view code in edx-platform #27 [DEPR]: Remove edx-jsme, Molecular Structure Problem type #14 [DEPR]: Account pages -> micro-frontend #71 [DEPR]: ecommerce Basket Page -> micro-frontend #68
Discovered usages of bok choy that we didn’t previously know about in ecommerce and credentials.
Old Mongo updates Dave Ormsbee (Axim) and Michael Terry (Deactivated) do you want to give async updates on this work? Removing access to old mongo courses - approved a while ago and unclear when it will land Write out subtasks, game plan for removal after this. Can maybe include this work in our blended project with Raccoon Gang
site_configuration Github issue about deprecating it in public engineering (roadmap?) Previously discussed with Sarina Maybe we should put it through the proper DEPR process so we can formally abandon it if there’s enough pushback There’s a separate possible option eox_tenant for multitenancy as a replacement - should get feedback from the rest of the community Action item: move/create depr ticket and announce with a longer acceptance period to see if eox_tenant is a good replacement - follow up to see if we have a point person on this discussion, then let them take care of announcement.
Michael Terry (Deactivated) async update: I have PRs to remove legacy outline & dates tabs, but since we’re so close to the Nutmeg cutoff, I’ll just wait until after then (April 11th) to land them, to let Open edX have another release with the legacy views still supported.
April 12, 2022[Feanil] Comms improvement as things are going away(From core-contributors meetup) Can we have more details in the deprecation section of the Release notes? What are other things we can do to make the DEPR board easier to consume as a summary of work. Take a look at what landed between releases do lookups/create filter for the DEPR board for each release - what got removed between these two dates create label ‘needs release notes’ for DEPR tickets archive things at the Open edX release boundary add agenda item for WG Feanil Patel talk to BTR about contacting DEPR after a new release has been cut in order to trigger our own process Diana Huang take ideas and turn into a checklist for next release
Working Group Meetup at Open edX Conference Blended project update Old Mongo progress remove legacy outline and dates tabs preview mode in studio still relies on the courseware endpoints and template rendering TNL has a ticket for handling this case
site_configuration DEPR ticket still needs to be created
Agenda (4/26/22)edx-microsite and remaining microsite cleanup Enterprise Catalog v1 deprecation legacy frontend deprecation timeline proposal: toggle them off by default in Olive, remove code for the release after These are the templates/code that live in edx-platform and ecommerce Re-announce the appropriate deprecation tickets to ensure everyone sees them
Agenda (May 10, 2022)Agenda (May 24, 2022)COPPA compliance toggle discussion Milestone app can be turned on safely without other configuration updates Auth-related DEPR work Blended/FC project updates LegacyWaffleClasses removal edx-jsme PR still waiting for review EnrollmentTrackUserPartition - is it being used currently? what other features are relying on it? We believe the previous removal, VerifiedTrackCohort, might need this removal to continue. If we do this, we need a good migration plan at the very least. Start discussion in Slack asynchronously.
Adding new toggles to turn off old UIs
Decommissioning the old build Jenkins that used to be running the edx-platform tests Still a few jobs still running on it Most of them have been converted to Github actions edx-e2e-tests are being moved onto Cypress. A team at 2U is actively working on these. Some mobile build jobs.
Diana to update invites with meeting notes links MFEs keep the community synced with what new MFEs are being created ensure that a DEPR ticket for the old frontend is also created how do we create a process around ensuring that this happens? ARCH-BOM can add a note to our runbooks around creating DEPR tickets when new MFEs are created. Ask squad considering a new proctoring IDA to create DEPR tickets New FED maintenance group at 2U for helping to remove old code and maintain frontend MFE Rewrite Status is a page where things are tracked. Make sure it is kept up to date. Async in Slack: inventory of current MFEs and current MFE-related DEPR tickets to make sure we have DEPR tickets for MFEs that currently exist
Prepare for us to review temporary toggles next meeting. Ensuring any private toggle information is removed. Wiki and Pages are they deprecated?
Agenda (June 7, 2022)Agenda (June 21, 2022)Agenda (July 5, 2022)EdxRestApiClient is… done, maybe? maybe we can try to remove the code and release a new version of the library. can we add monitoring to see if we are still using this let’s check production logs on to see if we can find deprecation warnings, etc, that are still remaining
enterprise-catalogs v1 is next Talk about how to split remaining work How do we ensure that we have a process around monitoring around DEPR work?
Agenda (Next)BD DEPR project - need reviews on PRs to replace legacy front ends with MFEs Build Jenkins ( ) Decommission August 15th, 2022 MFE rewrite coordination [Feanil] Questions about interaction between OEP-21: DEPR and maintainership transfers [inform] OEP now requesting an ADR when someone chooses to continue usage of a DEPRed feature: Review board, update issue statuses and decide next steps
August 2, 2022jsme fallout Open edX impact report Persistent Course Grades flag fallout What can we do to prevent this in the future? There will be a few internal RCAs, but I would like to put it out to the group as well. We’ve talked about flagging certain types of migrations in PRs. Tracking the number of DEPR projects result in RCAs. Can we see the impact of these on Open edX installations?
Follow up on MFE discussion Review the board and decide next steps
Agenda (August 8, 2022)How do we want this group to operate going forward? What kind of agenda items do we want to see? What kind of work do we want to do? Spreading knowledge and information about deprecation efforts How do we enable deprecations to happen? Mature the deprecation system. Hold people responsible for the thing they’re replacing. Investing in tracking which things are being used where. Easily communicate what has changed between named releases.
What processes can we add to move tickets to the next column? Announce a few more DEPR tickets after discussing each meeting, move the tickets from ‘Proposed’ to ‘Communicated’. Build Jenkins is being shut off today
Agenda (August 30, 2022)How do we want this group to operate going forward? How do we deprecate XBlocks with minimal course impact? context: how can we tell instructors/users of Open edX in a way that means that everyone is aware and prepared? RateXBlock: individuals/support members can look at the board, but doesn’t scale. Historically, the development team would be responsible for this. We do have toggles on Studio, where we can toggle a banner that shows up. Feedback: if someone doesn’t want something to go away, we would transfer ownership to the group that is willing to own it. Proposal: When an XBlock DEPR shows up, DEPR working group member at 2U/other organizations reaches out to their user facing team. If it is used at the organization/installed, we should toggle the setting to put up a warning banner about it going away. Collect feedback from users. If everything is good, move forward with removal. If not, figure out new ownership.
Use RateXBlock as a test case for this.
Old Mongo removal is Happening!!! (as in, right now :-P) Raccoon Gang is doing this work. Open edX Slack channel: #tcril-raccoon-gang-old-mongo Planning on removing this in pieces for . CourseOverview objects will continue to be generated, so course information at the top level (e.g. names, ) will be still be accessible. Risks: could break CourseOverview generation links will be broken keep an eye on the certificates and other code paths that access to the modulestore there are xblocks that use modulestore directly?
Can roll out monitoring for this? Probably not worth it to remove the old collections of Old Mongo courses.
Agenda (Sept 20, 2022)edx-proctoring deprecation It turns out the legacy proctoring front end code didn’t work in Nutmeg, maybe Maple either (proctoring works in the learning MFE with a new library) No one from community seems to have noticed? MIT uses proctoring, but doesn’t seem to have had an impact
But we never removed it Dropping it as a front end dependency in edx-platform now Back end code to be replaced with a new IDA soon, we should create a DEPR ticket for that Punting on deletion of the front end code until the whole repo gets archived, unless it comes up again as a distraction.
Can/should we have this group focus more on finding things to deprecate and helping integrate deprecation into the regular work of other teams? We don’t find the deprecation work before an upgrade cycle. Bigger concern is getting this work on a team’s workload, because our concern is that teams have found things and not committed to finishing it in the past. Maintainer scrum of scrums? Making DEPR tickets a prerequisite for upgrade help. tier 1: if you don’t handle DEPRs, no assistance from the Arbi-BOM and FED-BOM teams when upgrades are due. tier 2: if upgrades are not accomplished by pre-established deadlines, then all feature work has to be dropped until they’re done
There are plenty of toggles that are probably ready for deprecation
Moving forward with OEP changes Olive branches being cut on 10/10 - anything we should try to finish by then? Bearer Auth - future work that we want to make sure we have the right communication around. Hooray for persistent course grade flags getting merged Ambient discussions of deprecations going around without any commitment?
Agenda (October 4, 2022)Overlap with CC meetings? frontend-app-account FC PRs Plato mentorship conference only available to subscribers, unfortunately need to focus on both Developer Experience and Deprecation work to maintain/increase developer velocity design code to be deprecated in the future what does this look like in Open edX? decoupling - moving towards event bus will help even with event bus - being able to transition between different event buses what do other projects do around deprecation? Django as example: deprecation warnings, other code/functional processes Postgres maybe? Linux kernel? Okta O’Reilly book on Google deprecation - deprecation during design
a good place to discuss how to do this in the future and think about it as we catch up to the existing backlog systems for handling backwards incompatible migrations
DEPR process questions How can we tweak the incentives around deprecation? on top of the existing discussions previously talking to product owners and engineering managers allocating time for deprecation work with maintenance FC retro and RCA to discuss process improvements
Agenda (18 October 2022)OpenSearch migration XBlock deprecation procedure While deprecating RateXBlock, it became apparent that we’re a little fuzzy on exactly what needs to happen before uninstalling an XBlock with non-zero production usage. We should figure this out and document it, for both usage and reference in Open edX release notes.
XBlocks in ownership limbo; can we deprecate some of these? There are many XBlocks nominally owned by the now-defunct Community Engineering Squad One of them (RateXBlock) was recently deprecated after discovering that no courses have used it since 2016. Can more of these be deprecated before I hunt down new owners for them? Who at 2U should take the time to look at CourseGraph and figure out which of these can potentially go? List: acclaimbadge-xblock (private 2U repo) acid-xblock (test of the XBlock API) AnimationXBlock AudioXBlock ConceptXBlock crowdsourcehinter DoneXBlock (obsolete in light of completion feature?) RecommenderXBlock schoolyourself-xblock staff_graded-xblock (goes to MIT?) xblock-free-text-response (Stanford) xblock-image-modal (Stanford) xblock-in-video-quiz (Stanford) xblock-qualtrics-survey (Appsembler) xblock-sql-grader (used in some Stanford courses, not sure how many or old) xblock-submit-and-compare
Next steps: 2U needs to look through this list and check usage, who owns them, how much they’re used, etc.
Old Mongo no longer accessible in LMS BD-13 upcoming changes: XBlock serialization, event log tracking refactoring Olive release notes: Olive O’Reilly’s has an entire chapter on deprecation. At least one of us should probably read it and see if there are any useful tips. from the Plato Elevate conference had advocacy and tips for deprecation as a software engineering velocity booster Open edX Conference 2023 Call for Proposals!
Agenda (1 November 2022) Agenda (17 November 2022) FED-BOM would like some time with people who have context on legacy edx-platform frontend code, to help identify which chunks do what so they can start planning out removal of stuff replaced by MFEs. Legacy frontend vs. MFE differences warning message about not being enrolled rendering unless there’s a refresh of the page? This is an edge case, but we’re considering it a bug and not a deprecation.
some updated discussion about the future of site_configuration MFE migration painpoints Old custom plugins and customization into edx-platform don’t work with the new MFE worlds tCRIL is interested in this, MFE domains
Upcoming Translations managements Is CCX a candidate for deprecation? there are parts of it that are possibly deprecatable? MIT taking a looking at it. can we turn it into a plugin? what are the docs around this? Can we make a platform-roadmap ticket for this?
[Robert] [inform] Landed OEP and DEPR Issue template changes to simplify DEPR date guidance (related to named releases). [Robert] Potential DEPRs to announce: [Kyle] On Feanil's behalf, heads up on Configuration deprecation Who is still using Ansible vs. containers? Arbi-BOM has been migrating devstack containers off of using configuration edxops docker hub will probably be shut down, openedx docker hub may be shut down since it only hosts devstack images currently, though it does also have the edx-platform github action runner images as well.
Agenda (1 December 2022) CCX update is_active/email activation DEPR announcement frequency Archiving obsolete mobile repos There are 6 of these, mostly private Confirmed with Mobile that these can go Who should archive and move to unsupported?
Taking a hatchet to build-jenkins configuration code jenkins-job-dsl, testeng-ci, testeng-secure, configuration, etc. Pretty sure nobody in the community is using this, but will run these PRs by any 2U squads still maintaining a Jenkins server
configuration repo deprecation what plans should we put in place to move this migration forward? devstack images are starting to be built without configuration DevEnv discussion will probably address sandboxes then the question of production deployments like Make subtasks for deprecating configuration? go through the roles and try to form logical groups around them as things get moved off configuration, make subtasks so we can track deletion of code
for now, focus on clearing out stuff that we know we can get rid of 2U SRE is probably some of the best people to focus on monitoring and helping ensure this code removal doesn’t break anything.