Trying to figure out which aspects of “the development environment” are conventions for individual repos, which are tied to container orchestration, which are tied to a deployment solution, etc.
No notable gains on tutor auto-bindmount plugin
Rebecca (2u - ArchBOM)
Mostly been taken over by event bus cleanup, some discussion on hosted solutions (see Jeremy’s update)
This week, specifically, I think I’ve found a way to make the local package development experience less painful. Would love feedback:
uses Tutor, tutor local not tutor dev, cloud-hosted using another computer. Heavy to run edx-platform locally.
if you want to make a new xblock, you can use the xblock-sdk. This was a good developer experience, rather than having to run the whole platform.
Each challenge should have a follow up action.
If you have an idea for follow up actions, add it.
Or if you aren’t sure, leave it blank.
We’ll discuss all actions either way.
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Idea for Follow Up Action
Jeremy Bowman
Anecdotally, a lot of people are dissatisfied with devstack. But we don’t have a good list of the problems for remediation or comparison with alternatives.
Define some location for capturing these with low barrier to participation. Do we just want to use devstack repo issues and curate from there, or would a Confluence page or such work better?
Lots of discussion (see recording). Some notes:
general agreement with the sentiment
tutor is quicker out of the box
devstack takes longer to get working, but seems fine when you know what you’re doing
issues are different depending on what you’re working on
ex: becca needed libraries installed & certain microservices running. that was easier in devstack. But tutor might work better when you’re not working on those things
Ghassan: unlike tutor, devstack is less production-like. How can you be sure that your changes work once you’ve made them in devstack?
Jeremy: Operations and development are completely different when you’re using k8s at scale for prod and devstack/tutor for development.
We do “sprints” in this working group. Does anyone find those helpful or nah?
I want to keep github-based requirements out of edx-platform except for specific circumstances (security & upgrades – both temporary). Curious if folks have any ideas. CODEOWNERS on maybe?
Jeremy Bowman
Insufficient teams to fully parallelize work on DevExp tasks that could be done in parallel.
Jeremy: Developer data is a potential blended project, or maybe BTR?
Kyle will be writing up a statement of work for upgrading frontend frameworks in edx-platform
Meeting captain: Transpose action items into the “Action Item” section below.
DevExp wins!
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Working with arbi-bom to destroy edx-platform’s requirements file. Over halfway done. By the time we’re doing we’ll have removed 30+ seconds from the edx-platform build time, 60+ if you include the development variant of the image.
The proposal Multiple Tutor environments with TVM, has been accepted for the Conference.