Lightcast OpenSkills
The Lightcast Taxonomy is a three level hierarchical taxonomy made up of categories, sub-categories and skills. Skill nodes are rooted to persistent, but priority, URLs.
For example the path to a node, representing a skill, might looks like this.
Analysis → Business Intelligence Software → Apache Hive
WGU Skills Taxonomy
The WGU provided Taxonomy is a two level hierarchy of categories and skills, for example, “Educational Evaluation → “Learning Pattern Assessment Data Analysis”
Each node is also associated with a number of other types of meta-data including keywords, and associations with occupations, O*Net Job Codes, other standards, etc. This data is denormalized and stored as a list in a single field of semi-colon separated values.
- Should we support relations between nodes in different taxonomies? For example, WGU includes a Lightcast URL for the aligned skill in that taxonomy.
- Should the data model include a notion of modifiers or specifiers to relate arbitrary values to a node? This could be useful for association O*Net coded for example, could also be useful in the case of common core where grades are associated with a node, but aren’t really part of the hierarchy.