Most of Skilljar’s reporting and analytics are only available to program administrators, rather than course authors, but access can be provided to other users directly. They break their reporting down into the following course-specific areas:
The higher-level dashboards are discussed in my Platform-level analytics and reporting research doc, but here we’re going to look at what data is available in these areas for specific courses.
Clicking a course in the course analytics dashboard takes you into per-course analytics for that course. It consists of two tabs:
The enrollments tab shows all learners enrolled in that course, with the following data for each learner:
Lesson Progress (% of course completed)
Total Session Time
Registration Date
Completion Date
Date of Latest Activity
The lessons tab shows data summaries for each lesson in the course. The following data is displayed for each lesson, as well as in aggregate for all lessons:
Total Views - the raw number of times a page has been loaded by learners
Unique Views - the number of learners who have viewed a page
Chart showing Total and Unique views by lesson plotted according to their order in the course
Chart Showing Total Session Time per lesson, plotted according to their order in the course
There are actually two lists of quizzes in the analytics dashboard - by course and by quiz.
By Course
Viewing quiz data by course allows you to step into an instance of a specific quiz in a course. It initially displays the same overall data that is available per quiz on the wider admin report:
Average score vs. passing score
Average time spent to complete vs. time limit
Beneath this are two tabs, labelled Questions and Students
The Questions tab displays a visualisation of how each question in the quiz has been answered by how many learners, as well as viewing which optional questions were completed vs. skipped.
While not pictured in their documentation, you can also apparently select each answer to see which learners answered that way, as well as overall responses by learner.
In the students tab for a single quiz, you can see a list of all learners in the course and how they answered the selected quiz.
You can see the following data in this report:
Student name
Date started
Date completed
Elapsed time
Questions answered
Clicking on a learner’s name opens a view displaying their answers to all questions in the quiz:
These two dashboards effectively serve two different purposes - the Questions dashboard is intended to help course authors and program managers address and identify issues with quizzes, such as faulty or outlier questions, whereas the student dashboard is intended for staff to intervene with specific learners and groups of learners who are struggling.
By Quiz
The By Quiz report is intended for use with quizzes that have been included across multiple courses in order to aggregate their questions data. Clicking into a quiz brings up a similar dashboard to the others, showing all learners who have taken that course across the entire account, and some aggregate data:
Average score vs. passing score
Average time to complete vs. time limit
Each learner entry has the following data:
Student name
Date started
Date completed
Status (Passed/Failed)
Elapsed time
Questions answered
The intention for this report is to identify which quizzes have issues across multiple courses, as well as providing a point of comparison for courses (for example, if one quiz has a 75% average score across all courses, but a single course has a 25% average score in that quiz, it indicates that the issue lies with the specific course and not the quiz itself).
SCORM courses and components are tracked and recorded in their own separate dashboard from regular courses. Clicking into a specific SCORM item provides two tabs specific to that SCORM item: Interactions and Students.
The interactions tab displays a report for aggregated responses to interactive elements within the SCORM package, with the labels from the SCORM package (they’re labelled “Right and Wrong” below because that’s what they labelled the literal answer options). You can see the total number of responses, percentage correctness, as well as the average latency (how long it takes each activity to load and communicate back to the LMS, which is useful for troubleshooting performance issues).
The students tab displays a list of all learners who have interacted with the SCORM object. It does not display who has not interacted with the SCORM object.
This report contains the following columns:
Student name
Email address
Status (incomplete, pass, fail)
Attempted date
Total time spent in the SCORM package
Selecting a student’s name opens up a view of their responses within the SCORM package:
Each entry provides:
Type - what type of interaction it was
Time - when they made the interaction
Weighting - how many points the interaction was worth
Student response - the label on what was selected (it’s “Wrong” in the above
Result - the correctness status of the choice they made (right/wrong, correct/incorrect)
Latency - the delay before the SCORM package reported to the LMS that it was ready, for troubleshooting loading issues.