Netlify deployments for technical doc site

Netlify deployments for technical doc site

The tech docs at https://paragon-edx.netlify.app/ and https://paragon-openedx.netlify.app/ are both deployed using Netlify. This gets us deploy previews for all pull requests without any extra configuration.

The Netlify account information is stored in the shared-edx-fed passwords. Log in to Netlify using edx-netlify Github user (edx-netlify - Overview). If you need access to Netlify, reach out to @Adam Stankiewicz .

The Netlify billing details are provided by TeamPay via @Michael Leary.

Within Netlify we have two team accounts. One is the paid team for deploying the now-deprecated paragon-edx.org website, which is now a Next.js website with the sole purpose to redirect all incoming requests to https://paragon-openedx.netlify.app such that existing links continue working.

The second is the Sponsored OSS account that Netlify provides us for free due to the open source nature of the project:


Deployments for the Paragon tech doc site happen upon merge to master. During the build of the tech docs, a CSS stylesheet for each supported theme (e.g., edx.org brand) is generated that may be toggled via the “Settings” pane in the header of the documentation website.

If there is a new release of the brand-edx.org npm package that you would like to see reflected on the tech doc site before any new merge to the paragon repository occurs, you can trigger a manual deploy from the Netlify deploys dashboard.

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