Improve Initial Course Entry
Improve Initial Course Entry
Allow students land initially on the Courseware tab instead of on the second 'Course Info' tab.
Draft Steps/Sequence
- Add Studio Setting - Disable Course Outline Area
- set to default TRUE for new edge/edx courses.
- allow other course authors to disable this section if they would like to.
- certain courses that still rely on this section can opt to adjust how they use this section once their is a clear improvement and reason to change.
- (add text to setting explaining that this is currently optional but eventually the Course Outline area won't be available to new courses. )
- Add Studio Setting - Move Course Updates to Courseware Tab
- default to FALSE for new courses
- communications to course staff through PMs that usability concerns are the cause for the shift to collapsing the first two tabs in all courses.
- If the course outline area setting is disabled, this will result in the removal of the Course Info tab, and the course updates will now live on the Courseware tab.
- Define plan for eventual removal of this tab.
- learn from course staff interested in keeping this section (if any exist) in order to understand other related unmet needs being served by this section.
Through these two Studio settings authors can move to a configuration where the Courseware tab is the default landing area, which shows the course updates if a subsection isn't actively in view.
, multiple selections available,