August 13, 2020 community meetup

Date, time, and location

WHEN: Thursday, August 13, 1pm EST US / 17:00 UTC. (time converter)

YouTube recording: . Previous recordings are in the Community Meetups playlist.

Would you like to present something? Let us know!


  • Build/Test/Release working group update

  • Beth Porter, Riff Analytics: Course-wide and small-group interactions in online courses.

    • A large measure of the value that learners derive from being in class is social learning — working in pairs or small groups on tasks and projects, engaging in socratic exchange to generate new ideas, and having one-on-one time with the instructor, aides or other learners to address individual learning challenges. These interactions are hard to replicate at scale, and most learning and content management systems don't have native capabilities. For this talk, Beth Porter, CEO of Riff Analytics, will address some of those issues and describe how Riff provides course-wide and small group interactions to anyone using edX or Open edX.

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