May 14, 2020 community meetup

May 14, 2020 community meetup

Date, time, and location

WHEN: Thursday, May 14, 1pm EST US / 17:00 UTC. (time converter

Video: https://youtu.be/jslFcX3IrP4

Would you like to present something? Let us know!


  • Welcome

  • Juniper update

  • Anna Lifshits Agmon: CampusIL during COVID-19
    At the CampusIL, the Israeli National Digital Learning platform, the COVID-19 pandemic period presented us with some challenges and complexities, pains and fears, and alongside them quite a few opportunities to change, renew and question processes that were an integral part of our lives.
    One of them is the process of learning, educating, acquiring skills and knowledge.
    During the last two months, the enrollment to CampusIL was increased by 313% and the traffic grew up to 200%.
    Alongside the existing courses on CampusIL we understood that it is our responsibility to change and adapt ourselves for the new reality.
    In agile mode we created and implemented an emergency plan that included launching new products, enriching our existing course catalog and empowering our partnerships. All of that included our responsibility as National Platform to include diverse population in providing our solutions.
    We’ll talk about how we adapted, and how the Open edX platform with its scalable and powerful infrastructure enabled us to support our plan.

  • Open discussion

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