Open edX 2019 San Diego: Birds of a Feather

Open edX 2019 San Diego: Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather (BoFs)

There will be a board near registration detailing the times and locations of specific Birds of a Feather gatherings.  This page is a place to pre-plan topics and gauge interest.

See last year's sessions. These sessions happen during coffee breaks (see schedule).

Proposed BoF topics

Add your proposal for a topic here:


Interested? (tag yourself using @{your name})

What do you want to learn?

Let's discuss past or future courses, or whatever you have learned in the last year that you want to share, or your learning plans. Maybe courses in edX, maybe about edX, maybe outside edX. Any topic or skill (not only about technology). The point is to meet others who like learning and discuss learning experiences.

Community GovernanceWho wants to discuss the direction of governance for the Open edX Community? John Mark Walker (Deactivated)

Giulio Gratta, Peter Pinch Xavier Antoviaque,
Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)

Stefania Trabucchi

Advanced Studio TrainingHarvardX is working on an advanced edX Studio training course. We'd like feedback on topics, approaches, and potential distribution venues.Colin Fredericks
Python 3 HackfestLet's get together and help knock out some INCR tickets, to help move the Open edX platform toward python 3 compatibility.Cliff Dyer (OpenCraft)Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)
OLX Versioning

Between the changes to transcripts last fall, and FBE now, I feel like we’re headed into a lot of versioning problems in the coming year and I’d like to try to get ahead of it

Changes like these are seldom documented and can cause unexpected problems when moving courses from one server to another, or interfere with other authoring processes. It's time we had versioning scheme for OLX, if not something more robust like a schema. Or maybe we can just update the documentation.

Peter Pinch

Shelly Upton

Meredith Davies

Dave Ormsbee (Deactivated)

Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)

The mobile MOOC

Project, Designed & Expericial Based learning with Creative Spaces like Makerspaces, Biolabs, Artist Residencies etc.

Multilingual hacking, and tools avail to develop content in many languages.

Michael Williams
Community PRs TriagingOpen edX community members, come meet Community Manager Natalia and chat about how she triages incoming PRs. We will be glad to hear your feedback and ideas.Natalia Berdnikov (Deactivated)

Peter Pinch Xavier Antoviaque,

Dave Ormsbee (Deactivated)

Stefania Trabucchi

A11yAccessibility of the edX platform and particularly of course content. Got interesting/complex/unusual content and you aren't sure how to make it accessible? Music, chemistry, charts, diagrams, MathJax, PDFs, ePubs, Word docs, etc.  I'll have suggestions and resources.Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

Other meetings

If you would like to schedule a private meeting, please contact one of the event organizers at the registration desk.

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