Decoupling edX & Open edX


As part of 2U’s acquisition of edX, 2U and the new non-profit (Axim Collaborative, formerly the Center for Reimagining Learning aka tCRIL) has divided ownership of various things, with the former owning and the latter owning the Open edX project.

This page is all about that decoupling. Add questions in the comments.






Dec 15, 2021 - Jan 12, 2022

Open edX Repos will move to the openedx GitHub org.

Early 2022

Process for adding/updating new users and repos to be rolled out to the Open edX community.

Started 2022, ongoing as of 2023

Axim will implement role based access control to the codebase to improve project security.


Q: How do I learn about or make request of Axim?

See for process details.

Q: Where should I make new repos and how?

If you know from Day 1 that it’s going to be useful to the Open edX community, then file an Axim Request to create a new repo in the openedx org.

If you think it may be specific to your company, then create it in your company’s GitHub organization. Then, if/when it’s clear that it should be part of the community platform, open an Axim Request to transfer it.

Q: Will edX still be contributing to Open edX?

Absolutely! A key principle of the 2U acquisition is to remain a major member of the Open edX community.

Q: Are edX employees going to lose access to the Open edX repos?

For the foreseeable future, edX will still have write access to the all the same repos they used to.

Q: Will repos move from the edx GitHub organization to the openedx org?

We have finished moving repos from the edx GitHub organization to openedx. Everything should now be in their proper places.

Q: Should I change my git remotes to point to the new location of the repos?

If you work for edX: do not update your remotes: git forwarding will make things work.
If you do not work for edX: yes, update your remotes to point to the openedx org.

Q: Will edX be working from forks?

We are still working out the best logistics to keep edX moving quickly and continuing to contribute to the Open edX project.

Q: Will there be a reason to have public repos in the edx GitHub organization?

Reach out to 2U engineering leadership.