2023-08-03 Mobile Meeting notes


Aug 3, 2023


  • @Marco Morales

  • @Volodymyr Chekyrta

  • @Sam Daitzman

  • @Khanan Grauer


Draft vision review, Discovery updates

 Discussion topics





Community Input: Review Draft Vision / Direction

Process: Roadmap Page Updates

1 - Dynamic Initiatives List & Table of Contents

2 - Moving to Github Issues / Roadmap?

@Marco Morales to check in with Axim on shift / addition to Github issues / views?

Project: API Updates

Open Tasks / notes:

1 - FC project underway

2 - Notes and tasks from roadmap page below

Need plan to get RG plugin (which spans various mobile API changes) into edx-platform or keep plugin architecture but make it easier to use out of the box. How do we get to a decision on mobile API location / updates? How would the plugin APIs be discoverable or known to others?

@Marco Morales to check in with Axim on suggestions for how to advance a potential ADR re: Mobile APIs / plugin / docs
@Volodymyr Chekyrta to gather documentation / summary of plugin’s capabilities / changes for potential ADR review?

Project: Learning Sites

FC project / SOW pending still

Project: Offline Downloads

Progress on this effort, with next step to involve UX / UI group.
Figma show and tell during meeting today

Process: Figma File / Libraries

Check-in on Figma sharing infrastructure / options

 Action items
