2024 Pedagogy Lightning Talks

This page holds descriptions of the four Pedagogy Lightning Talks at the 2024 Open edX conference. These talks will take place in a single block, from 1530 - 1615, in Van der Sterr 1033. Due to the compressed nature of the talks, it is not advisable to try to switch between talks on different tracks.

Non-Linear Learning using the Open EdX LMS: Resource Hubs, @Elizabeth Gordon

Have you ever had too much information to share with your community of learners? Don’t have a developer on staff to build you a FAQ page? Want to keep your information behind your login page, rather than on a public website? Come learn how we built resource hubs within an Open edX Course using the /jumptoid/ links. Non-linear presentations of information can be fun and easy to use!

Harnessing Generative AI for Enhanced Creative Education, Frenette van der Walt

"Harnessing Generative AI for Enhanced Creative Education" explores an educational initiative blending human expertise with AI to redefine content development. It covers the role of AI in creative education, detailing the content development process, the importance of SMEs, and AI's role in maintaining content authenticity. It also examines AI's use in visualizing educational materials, highlighting the dynamic learning experience and the future potential of AI in education.

Please see the link to the following resources:
Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w4X_NZgrFYTV7dAiR2Sq6tc33WyPp0eX/view?usp=sharing
Script: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YRGwr52ZKI30q1GmTtZoWqxT3yee4ujh/view?usp=sharing

How UX Can Minimize Distractions in Learning Platform, @Ali Hugo & @Cassie Zamparini

The success of a learning platform goes beyond the quality of course content; it also hinges on the user experience within the platform itself. By using minimal UX to create distraction-free interfaces, we can foster focused learning, and ultimately empower learners to succeed in their educational endeavours.

A distracted mind is not an effective one, but with carefully-considered UX design, we can rein in the focus and help learners apply their minds to the content that matters.


A showcase of the newly added Open edX capabilities by the Unidigital initiative, @Maria Grimaldi & @Juan Camilo Montoya

This session will introduce to the community of practitioners a set of open source XBlocks, plugins and upstream improvements created during the execution of the Unidigital project, where 7 Spanish public universities joined forces with eduNEXT to build and contribute to the Open edX project a number of enhancements and extensions to the platform specifically geared towards the on campus use case, but in most cases also valuable for the fully massive online learning use case as well.