[Proposal] Learner Activity Service / APIs
Contributing Team | Schema (@Marco Morales ) |
Coordinator | TBD |
Earlier Discovery | N/A |
Linked Initiatives | Learner Activity Service / APIs · Issue #376 · openedx/platform-roadmap |
Overview | A few platform services provide foundational data that we use to help convey to learners their course engagement details around engagement status / next steps. Completion, grades, and effort tools are all examples of this, providing visibility into progress and size of upcoming work. We are proposing a similarly foundational measurement of learner activity. By storing activity measures like daily / weekly / monthly engagement streaks, key milestones (ex: 20% of videos watched, 50% of assignments done, etc) these activities can be used to power various engagement plugins / features that we have described in the proposal. For the mobile experience we are interested in upgrading the “Profile Page” to be an “Activity View,” echoing the progress feeds, opportunities for social kudos, and other more dynamic representations of your learning seen in other mobile experiences. |
A few platform services provide foundational data that we use to help convey to learners their course engagement details around engagement status / next steps. Completion, grades, and effort tools are all examples of this, providing visibility into progress and size of upcoming work. We are proposing a similarly foundational measurement of learner activity. By storing activity measures like daily / weekly / monthly engagement streaks, key milestones (ex: 20% of videos watched, 50% of assignments done, etc) these activities can be used to power various engagement plugins / features that we have described in the proposal. For the mobile experience we are interested in upgrading the Profile page to be an Activity View, echoing the progress feeds, opportunities for social kudos, and other more dynamic representations of your learning seen in other mobile experiences.
This document was created using the OE Roadmap Submission item template , but it likely will benefit from being represented in the roadmap as a series of smaller efforts to make it easier to provide visibility on whatever fraction of this set of initiatives moves forward.
Learning can be a grind, especially for new challenging topics, complex degree or higher education certificate level coursework, and we would benefit from applying a handful of motivational support tools in the platform when possible without becoming a distraction. Opinions vary widely on how many gamification hooks, streaks, challenges, competitions, comparisons, and other forms of motivators help learners take a break from the learning grind and find new energy to continue. We believe however that an activity service on Open edx that can capture major categories of learner activity would be helpful to build features and plugins that explore the space of motivational tools, plugins, etc as a supplement to basic completion, effort, and grades.
Most specifically, we are exploring this concept because for the mobile applications we would like to modernize our very bare bones profile pages through the use of a personal activity feed, capturing key course learning milestones or activity summaries of a given learning session to help learners see their progress more tangibly and in ways that could power social learning feeds or optional kudos if you choose to learn with others.
Many other applications could be imagined by having a platform level service that captures common learning activity milestones or markers, some of which you might choose to celebrate on your learner profile as a sort of badge or designation. Not only could you complete a course but maybe you can also see a list of milestones / badges that can be earned within a course for completing all course areas, watching all course videos, etc.
Context & Background
We believe a handful of features exist downstream of improved learner activity metadata and tracking, and we would like to get community input on what that metadata is that would have helped power existing gamification plugins, social learning tools, comparative learning research projects. If we can identify commonly used / valuable sets of activities we can hopefully make it easier to maintain these tools as well as create other plugins or features.
Note - Each of those examples could be linked to real plugins / features / research papers of old. We will endeavor to list other examples here but if you have an example of a project that would have benefitted from something like this Activity Service please let us know!
Additional details coming soon - “Game outside the game”
Comparative mobile experiences (Activity Feeds)
Scope & Approach
Our current focus is on gathering known existing tools that are connected to learner activity data to help identify common data patterns and needs across these tools.
We also plan to further specify the mobile app proposal for an Activity View as well as a Learn with Others v1 project, as these are two examples of tools we think would leverage this activity service.
From here, we hope to identify a set of broadly useful activity feed statements and identify the data helpful to aggregate and store to power other tools. Some example of this include:
Daily, Weekly, Monthly active
Milestones (Course)
% Videos Watched in Course
% Assignments Completed in Course
Active in Discussion, 10+ Discussion Engagements
Community TA, Video Completer, etc
Value & Impact
Moving beyond the basics (completion, effort, grades) of learner activity status in our learner experience should hopefully expand our ability to build learner motivation tools, improve our learner outreach messaging, and encourage deeper learning engagement and continuity while learning on Open edX.
Milestones and / or Epics
Initiative 1:TBD
More details coming soon here based on early community interest.
Named Release
This is TBD, focused on community input next.
This is TBD, focused on community input next.
Proposed By
@Marco Morales , and team @ Schema Education