LMS/Studio Translation Process
LMS/Studio Translation Process
Weekly release strings are usually done every week, on Thursday morning (Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)).
Uses paver commands and manually created PRs
- In your edx-platform working tree, start a branch:
git checkout -b you/update_translations
- Make sure you have the .transifexrc file in your user directory at ~/.transifexrc
- The content of the file is well explained in https://docs.transifex.com/client/client-configuration
- I use my personal transifex account username and password
- In your devstack, run a paver command:
paver i18n_robot_pull
- Takes a while (30-40 min?)
- If there are problems, will create .prob files
- Read those files and fix the strings
- You can fix a string by editing it on Transifex to have the right placeholders (the usual problem)
- Or you can unreview a string and ping the translator to come and fix it.
- Once strings are fixed on Transifex, you have to run the paver command again (ugh, takes a long time)
- Read those files and fix the strings
- At the end, it asks if you want to commit the changes, say yes (probably makes sense to automate away this manual step)
- In edx-platform, make a pull request
git push -u origin you/update_translations
- (make a pull request however you like to do that)
- The tests will run. Once they are done, you can merge the PR
- In your devstack, run another paver command:
paver i18n_robot_push
- Pretty fast (1 min?)
Only someone with Transifex admin permissions can do this, currently Ned and Andy Armstrong (Deactivated). You'll need a .transifexrc file.
See also: Automatically updating resource files in Transifex
Which strings will be used?
In Transifex strings have three states:
- Untranslated
- Translated but not reviewed
- Translated and reviewed
Only those strings that are both translated and reviewed will be pushed.