Mobile i18n Status from 2017

Mobile i18n Status from 2017

This document was written by Christopher Lee (deactivated) and has not been updated since 2017.

Status as of Feb 2017

Below is the list of items to achieve an MVP for the mobile app. This does not include process such as creating a configuration setting for selecting languages or fetching the Transifex files. For an MVP, the app would be built by manually selecting the language, manually fetching translation files, manually inserting the translation files and then manually building the app. 


  The iOS and Android app have a few tickets to be completed before an MVP can be built. The common theme is that the screens that are not localized are screens whose data needed to be fetched externally. This includes the Profile form fields, registration for fields, and the course discovery webview. Localizing the course discovery webview would be the focus of the Learner i18n team in order to reach the MVP for mobile.

Non mobile work:

  • API for a localized TOS/EULA available for the Mobile app.

  • Localized marketing site webview

  • API for localized Profile form fields

Potential UX Improvements:


i18n ready:

Not i18n ready:

  • App needs to read system locale and then pass it as the accept-language header in order for the server to send back the correct localized information in the bullets below.

  • Registration screen is not localized. These form fields need to be fetch from the server.

    • Edit Profile screen is not localized. These form fields need to be fetch from the server. No API for fetching localized profile form fields.

    • EULA and TOS are not localized.

    • Course Discovery webview is not localized.


i18n ready:

  • All native screens that do not depends on API calls to populate the UI.

Not i18n ready:

  • App needs to read system locale and then pass it as the accept-language header in order for the server to send back the correct localized information in the bullets below.

  • Edit Profile screen is not localized. These form fields need to be fetch from the server.  Additionally, there is no Profile form field API call similar to the Registration form.

    • EULA and TOS are not localized.

    • Course Discovery webview is not localized.