2023-07-27 Mobile Meeting notes


Jul 27, 2023


  • @Marco Morales

  • @Emad Ehsanrad

  • @Volodymyr Chekyrta

  • @Edward Zarecor

  • @Sam Daitzman



 Discussion topics





Github Flow

Future Strategy / Direction


  • Expanding usage / adoption of Mobile

    • understanding usage blockers

  • Full offline course content / expanded access

  • Improved native and performant options for mobile

  • Shift to learner support and clear messaging over current listing pages

Additional Notes

Learning Site

  • It is possible to implement as feature module within the application - some refactoring with color system / etc are necessary but this will simplify deployment and use

  • Refactoring separates database layer so that each learning site can have its own database.


API Migration

  • This effort to be reviewed for development in the coming weeks and beyond.

  • To get started, having a plan shared for what the API changes planned will be is a good next step.

Mobile Downloads

  • Studio - Mobile Stats Stage 6

    • Should share thoughts about this with the Aspects team to see how this could be added to Aspects

    • This feature might be summarized as both:

      • a mobile stats and summary view - Aspects related (usage rate, block access patterns, drop-offs etc)

      • a linting system to understand which blocks are available on mobile / downloadable

 Action items
