2023-08-10 Meeting notes


Aug 10, 2023


  • @Marco Morales

  • @Edward Zarecor

  • @Volodymyr Chekyrta

  • @Emad Rad


Project summary / catch up


 Discussion topics





API Changes

Learning Site

  • Project potential start after API changes, will review timing in early September

Quick Win Projects

  • A collection of projects to support quick wins toward feature parity in key areas on the new mobile apps compared to legacy apps

  • (We will update / review this list based on 2U feature gap analysis)

Community Roadmap Alignment (Axim / 2U)

  • Ed + Khanan to connect on alignment around team commitments and possibilities for the coming months.

  • Target is quick timeline (shorter than 1 year) if possible to align 2U + Axim mobile efforts.

Mobile App XBlock Support

  • ORA + edx-block-scorm blocks not supported yet?

  • @Volodymyr Chekyrta to confirm ^

Feature Gap Analysis

2U shared their feature gap analysis between edX + RG applications, @Marco Morales and @Volodymyr Chekyrta to review and compare to previous list.

Commerce Support

  • Launched in 2U application, not live for all students.

  • @Volodymyr Chekyrta couldn’t find this code, if reviewable that would be great for scope review etc in the future.

 Action items
