2023-06-09 Mobile Accessibility - Meeting notes


Jun 9, 2023


  • @Marco Morales

  • @Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

  • @Volodymyr Chekyrta

  • Michael Forbes


  • Align on mobile a11y needs for new applications, initial introductions to team

 Discussion topics








Initial Introductions / Context Setting

  • Discussed the new application from RG, the fact that both the existing edx mobile app and the new app will co-exist in the meantime.

  • initial introductions for Michael and Volodymyr

Font Scaling

  • About 20% of android users have different settings for font scaling tools

  • Support for this is worth considering early on for development as this can be harder to layer in later

  • Volodymyr - Noted that the font scaling work is currently being built into the new applications

 Action items

  • Jeff / Michael to connect with the edX mobile team

  • In the future, edx / 2U team will be able to build the new mobile application built by RG for internal testing / review

