2024-01-11 Meeting notes


Jan 11, 2024


  • @Marco Morales

  • @Khanan Grauer

  • @Edward Zarecor

  • @​Moiz Alam

  • @Mian Khalid

  • @Sam Daitzman

  • @Eugene Kang

  • @Elizabeth Cohen

  • @Anton Yarmolenko

  • @Kirill Izmaylov

  • and others!


2024 Sync on Mobile Roadmap / Status


 Discussion topics





Dates & Calendar Personalization

  • Calendar integration is still not clear on requirements for Axim

  • Next Step:

Product / Design Blockers

  • Discussed next step - shifting away from bottom course navigation bar to top navigation bar

    • visual styling / navigation shift of pills still currently planned but will focus on product / design clarity for various navigation changes next

  • Generally should align on single visual styles without use of toggles for pure visual styling differences

  • Can remove feature flag for navigation shift from bottom bar

Learning Sites

Fully behind a feature flag

Testflight edX build

Work in progress


Baseline requirements in place, timeline / cost estimate soon for this next


openedx app has no support for this

edx app has braze / firebase support for push notifications

future project focused on a dedicated mobile native notifications inbox view

Next step: edX / 2U to decide on scope required for P0 parity


XBlock Support


 Action items
