Mobile i18n Technical Approach

Dec 1, 2023 Meeting Notes

Attendees: @Edward Zarecor @Brian Smith @Mian Khalid @Volodymyr Chekyrta @Anton Yarmolenko @Saeed Bashir




  • Understand existing tools for translation and technical approach for Atlas

  • Align on goals for mobile approach

    • Consistent translations for iOS and Android

    • Integrate with existing processes and tools like Transifex

    • Leverage work of the Translations working group

  • Approach alignment

    • Should we have a single format so we can share translations between apps?

      • This would be a consistency win

      • Would require developing new tooling

      • Was a goal of the edX mobile team, but not done yet.

      • @Volodymyr Chekyrta is aware of differences in the way that plurals are handled

      • Trying to combine string would add some complexity, @Brian Smith argues for keeping them separate

      • @Mian Khalid notes that separation double the cost of translation


      • Try a spike to see if we can make this happen?

        • Probably investigate plurals issue before diving too deeply.

        • There’s this article about a possible approach,

        • @Brian Smith suggests using one of the native formats

          • However, this creates a dependency between the apps that is new, if we, say, choose ios, the string would have to exist there to be available in Android.

        • There will be product specific strings.


[Brian] Discovery - Transifex pull in different formats: