Transferrable Learner Records

Transferrable Learner Records

As part of our strategic focus on helping learners complete programs of study, we have worked on a transferrable learner record feature to help MicroMasters (and other program) learners continue learning through additional credit-backed pathways.

Previously edX team members manually processed data requests for MicroMasters learners so that they could use their record as part of campus Masters degree applications.

After today’s release, Learners who have earned at least one verified certificate belonging to a program will have access to a new program record. These program record act as a form of a digital transcript, which learners can directly send to credit-backed pathways opportunities.

This also enables us to expose multiple credit pathways for each of our programs. As an example, we are working to enable 15 different credit pathways for MIT’s Supply Chain Management program.

Release date: August 3rd, 2018

Product owner: @Marco Morales (Deactivated)


How does it work?

Learners can access their records from their learner profile, or directly from a program progress page. Below is a screenshot of an example Learner Records page. If you have a Verified Certificate in a program you can view your Learner Records here: https://credentials.edx.org/records/

When learners access a specific program record, they can see the latest grade details from each of the program requirements. They can also share a public link to their program records, or directly send their record to credit pathway options using the “Send Learner Record” feature. Below is a screenshot of an example program record that is Partially Completed (1 / 4 requirements met)


For two of our earliest programs, we saw 20 and 23% of learners eligible for the campus credit pathway apply to this option. With a streamlined process and support for multiple credit pathways per program, we hope to elevate the percentage of program learners who choose additional learning pathways. We expect to be able to review this again in 6-9 months once we have given program learners enough time to try this new flow for active programs.

A secondary benefit would be to improve overall program completion rate for learners who have completed at least 1 program. Today only 25% of program learners self-report credit as an important outcome, and thus we expect the gains here due to learner records to be smaller.

Link(s) to additional details: Confluence Project Details, Partner Portal Post, Learner FAQs

Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible!

Lauren Holliday, Nina Huntemann, Mike Dumbroski, Bill DeRusha, Michael Terry, Hannah Milnes, Alyssa Boehm, Darren Domingos, Audrey Zecha, Abby Luke, Mike Dikan, Jeff LaJoie, Grant Goodman, Deb Chatigny, Spencer Hance, Ben Holt, Cali Stenson, Diana Huang, Alasdair Swan, Cole Rogers, Chris Lee, Brandon Baker, Cory Lee, Marco Morales.

In addition to the team members who helped directly on product discovery / development, this feature would not have been possible without all the help from our Partner Manager, Project Coordinator, and Legal teams.


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