Initial edX Technical Discovery (React video player)

Initial edX Technical Discovery (React video player)

Last updated: November 2022

Note: the PDF version of this document may be a bit easier to read, but may be out of date with this document. Consider this wiki page to be the most up-to-date version.

The paid versions offer the same functions as the free options that I explored. The paid options do offer more services, but they are more than what is required of the video player. The paid players have the same shortcomings (captions and transcripts) that free players have.


All of the React and plain JavaScript video players require .vtt files for captions/subtitles.

  • exploring how current transcripts are being processed and how to adapt that now

The current subtitles appear to be a custom component which allows them be .sjson files instead of .vtt files. In my investigation .vtt is the standard file for captions/subtitles. Is there a reason that we shouldn’t migrate to using .vtt files? There is simple code/library that could convert .srt to .vtt for existing transcripts. (This can be done client-side or server-side). If we don’t migrate to .vtt files, we will need to create a custom caption component.

All options would require building an additional side piece for transcripts.

Options considered


Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4



npm: video-react   , based on npm: video.js

npm: video.js **

npm: plyr  

Transcript Support





Video Types

mp4, webm, ogg, mp3, HLS, DASH

mp4, webm, ogg

mp4, webm, HLS, DASH, as well as other playback techs like YouTube and Vimeo (through plugins).

all major formats

Support YouTube


Pros and cons

Ability to add a custom control bar, functions provided

Supports lots of videos from external sites and basic file types

Can be used outside of React

New ability for picture-in-picture (pip)

  May loose the functionality to set the start and end time of video

Known to have small ui issues on mobile devices (not breaking issues)

Easy to add custom components to control bar (Custom Download Button Example )

React based

Similar to the current video player experience

  May loose the functionality to set the end time of video

Functionality is untested for Android Firefox

Highly customizable, but even basic functions like play button on load requires adding code.

  Fits all accessibility requirements and new feature, Audio Tracks

  Full, explicit support form start and stop times, i.e. supports custom duration

  Not a React component

Highly customizable, but even basic functions like play button on load requires adding code.

very nice UI, easy to customize

supported on all devices

i18n support for controls

New ability for picture-in-picture (pip)

  *YouTube is not provide out of the box. It will require additional configuration with an iFrame.

  Not a React component

moving to another development group soon

May loose the functionality to set the start and end time of video

Estimated Developer Complexity


3-5 story points


5 story points


5 story points


5 story points

* These estimations do not include the building of conversion and new components for captions and transcripts

** Highly suggested by Jeff Witt. This library is currently leveraged by the platform for Prospectus

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