[DRAFT] Concept Note: Overhauling the workflow to create a course re-run

What does the ideal course run and re-run function look like?

In community instances, creating a re-run of a course effectively means creating a copy of a course and re-configuring the course run metadata. Following the proposal above that the course re-run process and course re-run metadata creation/management should be treated as distinct workflows, this opens the door to thoughtfully spec the UX/UI for course runs and re-runs as a whole. 


Course re-runs are a feature being analyzed in and of themselves as part of the Core Product work. This also ties directly to the project to create Master/Children course templates and should be considered together.


Again, this can probably be done outside the scope of the Studio Home redesign, but should be acknowledged and called out as a workflow that should be led to from Studio Home in a logical way.