Aspects V1: Product Requirements

Aspects V1: Product Requirements


This document outlines the product specs for a V1 release of Aspects. The goal of the V1 release is to deliver an MVP experience for instructional designers and course teams to access a curated set of reports and visualizations needed for analyzing course-level enrollment, engagement, and performance data all in one place and easily from the Open edX platform. Aspects will replace existing and soon-to-be-deprecated Insights with the aim of delivering a user-friendly analytics solution that offers near real-time data, and is modern, secure, easy to set up, less expensive to run, and much more extensible than the existing product.

Because an Operator dashboard was developed for the Aspects beta in Superset that provides information in instance health, instance-level enrollment, courses, and organizations, we will include this dashboard with its current reports in this V1 release in order to ensure that instance administrators can access critical data while further discovery work is conducted to expand and improve these dashboards in a future release.

A separate corresponding document covers more details on the technical approach to this release.

Key Use Cases

To provide focus for this initial release, we will hone in on common use cases discovered through user interviews that are outlined below. These use cases fall into three themes: enrollment, engagement, and performance. In addition to course-wide enrollment, engagement, and performance metrics, we will introduce a few reports that allow users to look at data for individual learners or for a group of learners that meet certain criteria. 

Course Dashboard


As a course author, I want to…

  • See the number of total learners enrolled in my course, so that I know how many students have signed up for the course to date.

  • See the number and percentage of total enrollees, current enrollees, and enrollees per enrollment track available on my Open edX instance, so that I can easily compare enrollment breakdown from one course to another.

  • See the rate of enrollment for my course plotted over time, so that I can easily identify periods of increased enrollment with the goal of understanding where learners are coming from. 

  • View the change in number of enrollees over a time period of my choosing including their enrollment track, so that I have more information to identify when learners heard about my course, why they chose the enrollment track they did, and what changes occurred to course enrollment over a time period of my interest.

Learner Engagement

As a course author, I want to…

  • See how many learners stopped engaging with viewing course content, watching course videos, and attempting course problems for the course run or a time period of my choosing, so I can identify where the most learners are dropping off in my course. 

    • Opened at least one page for each section/subsection of the course versus how many learners opened all pages in each section/subsection

    • Viewed at least part of at least one video for each section/subsection of the course versus how many learners viewed at least part of all videos in each section/subsection

    • Attempted at least one problem for each section/subsection of the course versus how many learners attempted all problems in each section/subsection

  • See how many learners watched each video in my course in full or in part, so that I know which videos my learners watched.

  • See how many times each section of each video was watched, so that I’m able to identify any sections of the video that are either unclear or especially significant to learners.


As a course author, I want to…

Learner Performance

  • See the number who have a passing grade or more in my course, so that I have grading information easily accessible alongside other performance metrics.

  • See the distribution of current course grade for all learners in my course, so that I have a sense of how learners are performing in my course alongside the rest of the course metrics.

Content Performance

  • See the number of learners who attempted each assignment and the percentage of correct versus incorrect answers submitted for each assignment, so that I know where learners are in my course and how they’re performing.

  • See the number of learners who attempted each graded and ungraded problem, so that I can see what parts of the course learners are engaging with.

  • See the percentage of correct versus incorrect answers submitted for each graded and ungraded problem, so that I can see how learners are performing in the course and diagnose issues with specific problems.

  • See the average number of attempts taken for each graded and ungraded problem, so that I can diagnose issues with specific problems and better gauge problem difficulty level. 

Learner Groups and Individual Learner Data

As a course author, I want to view the metrics outlined below for a group of learners (made up of a subset of learners that meet certain criteria) or for an individual learner, so that I’m able to learn more about specific learner’s/learners' engagement, performance, progress, and contact information:

For a learner group (a subset of learners meeting certain criteria)

For an individual learner

For a learner group (a subset of learners meeting certain criteria)

For an individual learner

Table/CSV download with the following information for each learner in the group: Full Name (if provided), Username, Email

Full Name (if provided), Username, Email

Breakdown of Enrollment Track

Enrollment track

Distribution of enrollment dates for group

Enrollment date

Distribution of last visit date for group

Date of last visit to the course

Distribution of current course grades

Current course grade (if applicable)

All Engagement data for the subset of learners

All Engagement data for the individual learner

All Performance data for the subset of learners

All Performance data for the individual learner

For this V1 release, we will focus on providing one out-of-the box learner group designed to surface enrollment, engagement, and performance information for learners that may be at risk due to low performance and/or engagement in the course. The defining criteria for these two learner groups are defined below:

  • Learners who…

    • have enrolled in the course

    • AND have not visited the course in 7 or more days

    • AND have not yet passed the course

    • AND who have visited a page other than the course homepage OR watched a video OR answered a graded or ungraded problem OR posted in the course discussion forum


  • Course Dashboard in Superset

  • Means by which course authors and instructional designers can securely navigate to the dashboard from the Open edX LMS

  • Learner Group/Individual Learner Dashboard in Superset

  • Operator Dashboard in Superset (this is the same dashboard that currently exists in Aspects beta with no adjustments - future adjustments will be informed by discovery efforts and tackled in a future release)


The primary users of this initial V1 release of Aspects will be course authors, instructional designers, and course teams that want access to quick, descriptive metrics and visualizations regarding the enrollment, engagement, and performance of learners in a course. We realize instance admins, program administrators, and course authors will also need access to whole-instance and cross-course statistics as well, but these metrics require further discovery and will be the focus of a subsequent release. Because an Operator Dashboard has already been developed as part of the work to create Aspects beta, this dashboard will be included in this v1 release with the caveat that we may expand/edit this dashboard in future releases based on additional discovery work.

In Scope/ Out of Scope

The following table outlines what is in scope and out of scope for this V1 release.

In Scope

Out of Scope

In Scope

Out of Scope

Out-of-the-box course-level enrollment, engagement, and performance reports and visualizations

Cross-course and whole-instance reporting for instructional designers, program admins, and instance admins

Learner demographic data (Access to demographic data is important to many course teams, but will involve not an insignificant amount of heavy lifting to enable. The Future Direction section outlines a few demographic data use cases we’d like to enable for Aspects in the future).

Ability to view contact, enrollment, engagement, and performance information for an individual learner in one place


Ability to view contact, enrollment, engagement, and performance information for one pre-set learner group in one place

Ability to configure a custom learner group;
An elegant mechanism for contacting all learners in a group directly from the dashboard

An easy way to navigate to Course-level data dashboard from the Open edX LMS Instructor page

Embedding the Superset dashboard into the Open edX LMS (this may be in scope provided embedding the V1 reports in Superset into the LMS do not require outsized amount of effort)


Time on site, time in course, and time on page data for all learners, learner groups, and individual learners

Ability to view the existing Operator reports and visualizations in Aspects beta from an Operator dashboard

Improvements to existing Operator dashboard (will be part of a future release after further discovery work is conducted)