The Library Block - UI needs
User Stories
As a content author/instructional designer:
I want to use content from my Library in a course and I want to pull content from my Library into my course outline, without having to navigate away from my course.
I need a quick way to find the content I need and want to use from my Library.
I might just want to use a single text, video or problem. (“one and done”)
I might also want to choose a problem bank, or a set of questions with a set of parameters (eg, give me all the questions that are tagged with “accounting” and “easy”) and configure a set of randomization parameters so that each learner receives a different subset of questions from the bank during their exam.
Limitations of the current Library Block
The current UI is built around the limitation that each library is only intended to hold 1 small pool of content for the randomized content use. This translates into unusable UI decisions, such as providing a list of all the components in the Library for a user to manually choose, which will become cumbersome and unrealistic when we redesign libraries to hold hundreds or thousands of components.
The dials to choose either a set of content to randomize or a single component do not convey the workflow in a logical or intuitive way, and the way the wording is confusing
There’s still a json field in there.
There are too many steps. Why does a user have to navigate out of the library block and then back into it, in order to select which problems to include in their randomized pool?
Elements needed in a new UX/UI:
We need to rethink the entire UX for this process. The steps of the workflow might be as follows:
User chooses a library which contains the content they need.
User is presented with options to search within the Library to find the specific content they need. (Do we simply overlay the search experience that will already exist in Libraries?)
User can select a single component to use. Maybe they want to get to the component via a general keyword search, a search by tag, or by drilling down into a collection/playlist. Then they simply choose the component. If it’s a “one and done” use case, that’s it.
User can select a problem blank OR a set of problems by tag (give me all the problems with the tags “accounting” and “easy”) and have a toggle/button to “randomize” it. Upon selecting the toggle/button, it will trigger a configuration workflow, where the user will need to set parameters: How many questions from the bank does each student need to see? Will students have the option to “reset”?