How to Enable Semantic Release through Github Actions

How to Enable Semantic Release through Github Actions

As we have transitioned from Travis CI to GH Actions, this page will guide you on how you can add the semantic release functionality to your repository. If you are an edX employee and would like to migrate the tests please refer to https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SRE/pages/2038792440 .


  • Create a new yaml file with the following path structure .github/workflows/ci.yml. This file will most likely look like ci.yml file

  • Create a new yaml file with the following path structure .github/workflows/release.yml. This file will most likely look like release.yml file

  • The following encrypted secrets are available org-wide:






  • The ci check will run against the PR or the subsequent pushes to the PR, and once you merge it to master the release check will run on the master branch of your repository