API Working Group
API Working Group
The API working group's goal is to move Open edX API architecture and implementation forward.
The API Architecture Landscape page is a brain-dump of possible areas to work on.
Organizational things to figure out:
- What are our communication channels?
- How do we track work?
- What are our first goals?
There is not yet a formal membership, but these are people I have been pestering about it:
- Braden MacDonald, OpenCraft
- Brittney Exline, edX
- Calen Pennington, edX
- David Ormsbee, edX
- David Truong, U de Montréal
- Feanil Patel, edX
- Felipe Montoya, eduNEXT
- Jhony Avella, eduNEXT
- Jill Vogel, OpenCraft
- John Baldwin, Appsembler
- Nate Aune, Appsembler
- Ned Batchelder, edX
- Nimisha Asthagiri, edX
- Omar Al-Ithawi, Appsembler
- Peter Pinch, MIT
- Régis Behmo
- Steven Burch, Stanford
- Usman Khalid, OpenCraft
- Xavier Antoviaque, OpenCraft
- Zachary Trabookis, Clemson