edX DDD Ubiquitous Language

edX DDD Ubiquitous Language

Learning Content
Learning ContentLearning material of varying granularity (text, videos, sequences, courses, etc), supplied by the course team and made available to learners in the LMS.HTML block, Unit, Catalog Course
BlockAn individual, lowest level learning component.HTML block, video block, problem block

An atomic unit of learning that encompasses a linear chain of 1 to many blocks, yielding a singular learning experience.

An atomic learning experience composed of:

  1. HTML block with preliminary description
  2. Video block providing knowledge
  3. Problem block with a formative assessment
Catalog CourseA packaged composition of learning content with various content metadata (organization and user affiliation, estimated effort, etc.)RIT's Network Security Course (https://www.edx.org/course/network-security-ritx-cyber504x-0)
Catalog ProgramA higher order packaged composition of catalog courses.RIT's Cyber Security Micromasters (https://www.edx.org/micromasters/ritx-cybersecurity)
Content MetadataTangential, yet important, information related to a learning content.Length: 8 weeks
Effort: 10-12 hours per week
Institution: RITx

Learning Management
Course RunA singular instance of a catalog course with concrete dates and settings, available for learner enrollments.course-v1:RITx+CYBER504x+1T2018
Program RunTBD - Do we really want to introduce this concept?

LaunchThe act of instantiating a course run from a catalog course.

OverridesValues of fields and settings that are applied at the time of launching a course run that supersede the values applied at the time of authoring the catalog course.

LearnerAn edX user who consumes learning content.

EntitlementAn association of a learner to a catalog course.

EnrollmentAn association of a learner to a course run.

Learning ActivityEngagement with a learning component at any varying degree of granularity.

Participation in a discussion forum
Engagement with a learning component

Learning Goals

CredentialA legitimate proof of completion of a learning activity.

Program certificate
Course certificate
Badge for forums participation

Program CertificateA credential for a catalog program.

Course CertificateA credential for a catalog course.

Student RecordAn historical record of learning activity within a certain domain.

Program record

Course record


Program RecordA student record for a catalog program.

Course RecordA student record for a catalog course.

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