Building Event-Driven Microservices Ch 1-2, 2021-09-15

Building Event-Driven Microservices Ch 1-2, 2021-09-15

See recordings of the meeting (and chat history).


This meeting reviewed chapters 1 and 2 through with a presentation and some minor discussion, mostly concentrated on kick-off material. Future meetings will be run more like a book club, without a presentation.

Meeting Notes

Chapters 1 and 2 of Building Event-Driven Microservices by Adam Bellemare

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fFwZt6swGhHrmybAtJ1QxdRLHhxO9BfmRPCSzr8wuqc/edit?usp=sharing  

What are you hoping to get out of this session? Did you do the reading?

  • Dave O: Generally interested in the direction we’re going with the message bus and learning more about best practices that people have been learning about or have learned from past experience. Didn’t do reading.

  • Diane K: want to listen in and learn about message bus approach, have only read the OEP

  • + Andy S: ditto learning, did do the reading, have some strong basically unfounded opinions to possibly share mostly about testing

  • Jeremy B: Learn more about where we’re going with this, especially as I’m managing one of the key teams working on it.  Haven’t done the reading yet, but plan to.

  • Ben W: here to listen and learn.  Didn’t even realize there was reading :-/

  • Jinder: This seems to be a major architectural decision for the openedx ecosystem and I did not do the reading

  • Adam B: I hope to learn and skimmed the why event driven chapter as we were switching docs

  • David J: Hoping to ramp up on our goals and approach with the event bus to increase my understanding.  Did not do the reading; didn’t know I should!

  • Brian M. Hoping to learn more about the current thoughts on message bus architecture. Did not do the reading.

  • Chris Deery: I have worked in Event bus systems in the past, and I’m curious about the constraints and choices you are considering. I did not do the reading.

  • Kyle M: just here to listen and learn. Didn’t do the reading.

  • Adam S: mostly here to listen and learn, and understand how/when we might be able to use event-based communication across microservices; didn’t do the reading (unaware there was a reading to do).

  • Long L: Here to listen and learn as well, have not done the reading.

  • Régis B.: I’m interested in learning about edX’ specific vision on event-driven programming. Yes, I did the reading.

  • Nim: Event Bus (and Containerization) are strategic building blocks for us to get to a decoupled architecture, enabling the Decentralized and Asynchronous aspirations of our Arch Manifesto.  This type of Data decoupling will help us more efficiently break up our monolith and implement new Bounded Contexts in our system. I did the reading.

Discussion Topics

  • [quest] Adam Blackwell: How can we leverage other opensource code and write as little custom code as possible ourselves?  (Alternate: How can I learn more about what’s out there)
