Python Study Group
What is it?
The Python Study Group is an opportunity to learn, teach and discuss Python with your fellow edXers! Meetings occur once every three weeks and are listed on the engineering calendar.
How does it work?
Usually, a single presenter will put together a talk on a topic of their choosing. It can be anything related to python, including particular libraries or edX-specific patterns and usages. Sometimes we vary the format with things like
Group code reviews
Helping someone with a personal project
AMAs with some of our experts
We are also actively looking to expand the different types of study group meetings, so if you have an idea please ping the group runner (currently @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) ) on slack.
Who can present?
Newbies, experts, and everyone in between. We especially encourage folks who are newer to python to present, as there is no better way to learn a topic than to teach others. We have also had presentations of the form ‘please help me with this thing I don’t understand,' where one person picked the brain of the assembly on a topic they were struggling with.
Tell me more about presenting
We have put together a handy guide to presenting at PSG: . If you are interested in presenting, please reach out to @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) in Slack.
Some links are still in the process of being migrated as part of the Google docs migration
Most recent event should be at the top of the table.
Potential Topics
Date | Topic | Presenter | Links |
DATE TBD | Async/Await | @Christopher Pappas | |
DATE TBD | Is Python pass-by-value or pass-by-reference | @Nathan Sprenkle | |
DATE TBD | How XBlocks work in the context of edX platform | @Nathan Sprenkle | |
DATE TBD (but not soon, busy ramping up with devops/SRE) | Context Managers | @Christopher Pappas | |
DATE TBD | pip-tools: Demystifying "make upgrade" | @Kyle McCormick (Deactivated) | |
DATE TBD | Creating public APIs on edx-platform | @Jesper Hodge |
Older Study Group Sessions
Topic Ideas:
Is there something in python that seems like magic? Is there a topic you wish you knew more about? Add it to the list! You don't have to present it, but it's helpful to have a list to pull from.
mock patch, decorators used in testing
context managers
py2 vs. py3
Bultin vs. local
pdb and other debuggers
spying & advanced mocking (ex. called with correct args)
pytest feature rundown
generator comprehensions and list comprehensions
write a new unit test from scratch / from the code base
installing dependeces / set up tools "whole ecosystem of crap that you need to use python"
publish package to pip
how do we do it here?
the src dir in our docker devstack
regular expressions
pickle: And it's three fatal flaws! SPOOKY!
modules and imports; how to import modules; import statements
python 3 changes to relative path
from _ _future_ _
Random library
venv wrappers
Writing command-line tools
edX BI Toolkit
Context managers
Parse time vs run time evaluation
Is Python interpreted or compiled? Yes!
Sad that Python Study Group is only every three weeks?
Head over to Frontend Study Group and Arch Study Group!